Commitfest 2024-01

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Committed: 75. Moved to next CF: 210. Withdrawn: 16. Rejected: 2. Returned with Feedback: 49. Total: 352.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
Bug Fixes
Fix Windows network event handling 3523 Returned with feedback Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) Robert Haas (rhaas) 4 1 year ago
Fixes for non-atomic read of read of control file on ext4 + ntfs 4025 Returned with feedback Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) Robert Haas (rhaas), Anton Melnikov (antonmel) 6 1 year ago
Fix assertion failure in SnapBuildInitialSnapshot() 4149 Returned with feedback Not processed Masahiko Sawada (masahikosawada) 5 1 year ago
Issue in postgres_fdw causing unnecessary wait for cancel request reply 4329 Returned with feedback Not processed Fujii Masao (masaofujii) Masaki Kuwamura (mackyson) 4 1 year ago
pg_get_indexdef modification to access catalog based on the TxnSnapshot 4369 Returned with feedback Not processed vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) 4 1 year ago
Fix locale breakage caused by newer libperl 4413 Returned with feedback stable Not processed Joe Conway (jconway) Tristan Partin (tristan957) Joe Conway (jconway) 4 1 year ago
Archive current timeline history file on archiver startup if needed 4502 Returned with feedback Not processed Jimmy Yih (jyih) 3 1 year ago
Unlogged relation copy is not fsync'd 4517 Returned with feedback Not processed Heikki Linnakangas (heikki) 3 1 year ago
Forbid the use of invalidated physical slots in streaming replication. 4686 Returned with feedback Not processed Hou Zhijie (houzj) 1 1 year ago
autovacuum may skip tables when session_authorization/role is set on database 4702 Returned with feedback stable Not processed Sami Imseih (simseih) 1 1 year ago
\d+ tablename, \d+ indexname about subpartition 4398 Returned with feedback 16 Not processed team querytricks ( Daniel Vérité (danielverite) 4 1 year ago
Add force flag while doing pg_restore to force dropping database in case of existing connections 4485 Returned with feedback stable Not processed Ahmed Ibrahim (ahmedibrahim) Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet) 3 1 year ago
Tab completion for ATTACH PARTITION 4561 Returned with feedback Not processed Tung Nguyen (tngngn) 2 1 year ago
Improvements to Meson docs 4208 Returned with feedback Not processed Samay Sharma (samaysharma) Tristan Partin (tristan957) 5 1 year ago
Document efficient self-joins / UPDATE LIMIT techniques. 4539 Returned with feedback Not processed Corey Huinker (coreyh) Laurenz Albe (laurenz) 3 11 months ago
Generate Doxygen documentation 4641 Returned with feedback Not processed John Morris (coyotebush) 2 1 year ago
Check consistency of GUC defaults between .sample.conf and pg_settings.boot_val 3736 Returned with feedback Not processed Kyotaro Horiguchi (horiguti), Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) 9 1 year ago
pgbench - adding pl/pgsql versions of tests 4105 Returned with feedback Not processed Hannu Krosing (hannukrosing) Fabien Coelho (calvin), Yugo Nagata (yugo.nagata), Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 5 1 year ago
Remove always true checks (src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c) 4371 Returned with feedback 17 Not processed Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet), Ranier Vilela (raniervilela) Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet) 4 1 year ago
Monitoring & Control
Fix inconsistency in reporting checkpointer stats 4078 Returned with feedback Not processed Nitin Jadhav (nitinjadhav11) 6 5 months ago
Show WAL stats on pg_stat_io 4416 Returned with feedback Not processed Nazir Bilal Yavuz (nbyavuz) Michael Paquier (michael-kun), Akshat Jaimini (akshatj) 4 1 month ago
Reduce timing overhead of EXPLAIN ANALYZE using rdtsc 3751 Returned with feedback 16 Not processed Andres Freund (andresfreund), Lukas Fittl (lfittl), David Geier (geidav) Lukas Fittl (lfittl), Hannu Krosing (hannukrosing) 8 1 year ago
asynchronous execution support for Custom Scan 3813 Returned with feedback Not processed KaiGai Kohei (kaigai), kazutaka onishi (onishi) 8 1 year ago
BRIN Sort - sorting using BRIN indexes 3949 Returned with feedback Not processed Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) Greg Stark (stark), Matthias van de Meent (mmeent) 7 1 year ago
Lockless queue of waiters based on atomic operations for LWLock 3983 Returned with feedback Not processed Alexander Korotkov (smagen), Pavel Borisov (pborisov) 7 1 year ago
Partial aggregates push down 4019 Returned with feedback Not processed Yuki Fujii (fujiiyuki) 6 7 months ago
pg_upgrade data type check connection overhead reduction 4200 Returned with feedback Not processed Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 5 1 year ago
Allow parallel plan for referential integrity checks 4507 Returned with feedback 17 Not processed Juanjo Santamaria Flecha (, Frédéric Yhuel (yhuelf) 3 1 year ago
Rework LogicalOutputPluginWriterUpdateProgress 4004 Returned with feedback Not processed wei wang (wangwei) 6 1 year ago
Use AF_UNIX for tests on Windows (ie drop fallback TCP code) 4033 Returned with feedback Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) 6 1 year ago
some namespace.c refactoring 4212 Returned with feedback Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) 5 1 year ago
Unified file access using virtual file descriptors 4420 Returned with feedback 17 Not processed John Morris (coyotebush) 4 1 year ago
Move bki file pre-processing from initdb to bootstrap 4543 Returned with feedback Not processed Krishnakumar Ravi (kkpgdev) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 3 1 year ago
Replication & Recovery
pg_receivewal fail to streams when the partial file to write is not fully initialized present in the wal receiver directory 3503 Returned with feedback Not processed Bharath Rupireddy (bharathrupireddy), SATYANARAYANA NARLAPURAM (satyanarayanan) 11 1 year ago
Reuse Workers and Replication Slots during Logical Replication 3784 Returned with feedback Not processed Melih Mutlu (melihmutlu) Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) 8 1 year ago
Skip collecting decoded changes of already-aborted transactions 4436 Returned with feedback Not processed Masahiko Sawada (masahikosawada) 3 1 week ago
User functions for building SCRAM secrets 3988 Returned with feedback Not processed Jonathan Katz (jkatz05) 7 1 year ago
Server Features
Update relfrozenxmin when truncating temp tables 3358 Returned with feedback 16 Not processed Greg Stark (stark) 12 1 year ago
Compression dictionaries 3626 Returned with feedback 17 Not processed Aleksander Alekseev (a.alekseev) Matthias van de Meent (mmeent), Nikita Malakhov (nmalakh) 9 1 year ago
Push aggregation down to base relations and joins 3764 Returned with feedback Not processed Yuki Fujii (fujiiyuki) Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) 8 1 year ago
Provide the facility to set binary format output for specific OID's per session 3777 Returned with feedback Not processed Dave Cramer (dcramer) Peter Eisentraut (petere), Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet) 8 1 year ago
TDE key management patches 3985 Returned with feedback Not processed David Christensen (davidchristensen) Chris Travers (einhverfr) 7 1 year ago
BRIN - SK_SEARCHARRAY and scan key preprocessing 4187 Returned with feedback Not processed Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) Heikki Linnakangas (heikki) 5 1 year ago
Multiple passwords, interval expirations 4432 Returned with feedback Not processed Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet), Joshua Brindle (joshuab) 4 1 year ago
Support % wildcard in extension upgrade script filenames 4489 Returned with feedback 16 Not processed Sandro Santilli (strk) Regina Obe (reginaobe) 3 1 year ago
SQL Commands
[PoC] Implementation of distinct in Window Aggregates: take two 4519 Returned with feedback Not processed Ankit Kumar Pandey (ankitkpandey) 3 1 year ago
System Administration
Avoid hiding shared filesets in pg_ls_tmpdir (pg_ls_* functions for showing metadata ...) 2377 Returned with feedback Not processed Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) Fabien Coelho (calvin) 21 1 year ago
Improve pg_restore toc file parsing and format for better performances 4509 Returned with feedback 17 Not processed Pierre Ducroquet (pinaraf) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 3 1 year ago
Add test module for Table Access Method 4588 Returned with feedback Not processed Fabrízio Mello (fabriziomello) 2 1 year ago