Commitfest 2025-01

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Needs review: 31. Waiting on Author: 12. Ready for Committer: 4. Committed: 82. Moved to next CF: 205. Returned with Feedback: 6. Rejected: 4. Withdrawn: 14. Total: 358.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
Bug Fixes
Run deferred triggers in the correct security context 4888 Committed 18 Not processed Laurenz Albe (laurenz) Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Tom Lane (tgl) 4 2 months ago
Remove dependence on integer wrapping 5031 Committed 18 Not processed Nathan Bossart (bossartn), Joseph Koshakow (jkoshakow), Matthew Kim (friendlymatthew) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 4 3 months ago
fix port/pg_iovec.h building extensions 5374 Committed stable Not processed Wolfgang Walther (wolfgangwalther) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 1 4 months ago
pageinspect - bug in brin_page_items 5376 Committed 17 Not processed Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) 1 3 months ago
Fixed assertion issues in "pg_get_viewdef" 5383 Committed stable Not processed Man Zeng (zengman) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 4 months ago
attempt multibyte-aware truncation of database names 5393 Committed 17 Not processed Nathan Bossart (bossartn), Bertrand Drouvot (bdrouvot) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 1 3 months ago
Fix jsonb comparison for raw scalar pseudo arrays 5394 Committed stable Not processed Jack Yan (jackyan) Andrew Dunstan (adunstan) 1 2 months ago
Windows pg_basebackup unable to create >2GB pg_wal.tar tarballs ("could not close file: Invalid argument" when creating pg_wal.tar of size ~ 2^31 bytes) 5399 Committed stable Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice), davinder singh (davindersingh), Jakub Wartak (jakub.wartak.tomtom) Thomas Munro (macdice) Thomas Munro (macdice) 1 2 months ago
Heap Use After Free in Window Aggregate Execution & custom malloc allocator implementation 5402 Committed 17 Not processed Jayesh Dehankar (jayesh.dehankar) David Rowley (davidrowley) 1 3 months ago
[Fix] Heap Use After Free in parallel_vacuum_reset_dead_items Function 5406 Committed 17 Not processed Vallimaharajan G (vallimaharajan001) John Naylor (john.naylor) 1 3 months ago
local and inherited NOT NULL constraints on non-local columsn 5408 Committed Not processed Ashutosh Bapat (ashutoshbapat) Álvaro Herrera (alvarofherrera) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 1 3 months ago
Memory leak in WAL sender with pgoutput (v10~) 5411 Committed stable Not processed Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 3 months ago
Fix right-semi-joins in HashJoin rescans 5415 Committed Not processed Richard Guo (richardguo) Richard Guo (richardguo) 1 3 months ago
Pass ParseState down to utility functions in more places. 5420 Committed stable Not processed Kirill Reshke (reshke), jian he (hellothere) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre), Tom Lane (tgl), Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 2 months ago
[BUG] Assert fails for local buffers in BufferIsDirty 5428 Committed 17 Not processed srinath reddy (s.srinathreddy) Nazir Bilal Yavuz (nbyavuz) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 1 month ago
Lock tuple for dependecy change in REASSIGN OWNED. 5430 Committed 18 Not processed Kirill Reshke (reshke) Noah Misch (nmisch), Alexander Kukushkin (cyberdem0n) Noah Misch (nmisch) 1 2 months ago
IANA timezone abbreviations versus timezone_abbreviations 5437 Committed 18 Not processed Tom Lane (tgl) Aleksander Alekseev (a.alekseev) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 2 months ago
Fix 'unresolved external symbol' under Windows in meson build 5457 Committed 18 Not processed Vladlen Popolitov (vladlenpopolitov) Heikki Linnakangas (heikki) 1 2 months ago
Fix bank selection logic in SLRU 5458 Committed 17 Not processed Yura Sokolov (funny_falcon) Andrey Borodin (x4m) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 1 2 months ago
Fix handling of injection_points regarding pending stats 5464 Committed 18 Not processed Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 2 months ago
Give slotsync worker a reserved PGPROC 5469 Committed 17 Not processed Tom Lane (tgl) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 2 months ago
Ignore nullingrels when looking up statistics 5480 Committed stable Not processed Richard Guo (richardguo) Richard Guo (richardguo) 1 2 months ago
psql: Add leakproof field to \dAo+ meta-command results 5102 Committed Not processed Yugo Nagata (yugo.nagata) Dean Rasheed (deanr), Erik Wienhold (ewie) Dean Rasheed (deanr) 3 2 months ago
Add support for database service to psql prompt 5356 Committed Not processed Michael Banck (mbanck) Greg Sabino Mullane (greg) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 2 3 months ago
Add missing tab completions 5362 Committed 18 Not processed Kirill Reshke (reshke) Karina Litskevich (karinalitskevich) Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) 1 3 months ago
Improved psql tab completion for joins 5388 Committed Not processed Andreas Karlsson (kandreas) Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) 1 3 months ago
psql: Option to use expanded mode for various meta-commands 5476 Committed Not processed Dean Rasheed (deanr) Dean Rasheed (deanr) 1 2 months ago
Code Comments
Remove an obsolete comment in gistinsert() 5370 Committed Not processed Tender Wang (tndrwang) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 4 months ago
doc: Meson is not experimental on Windows 5156 Committed Not processed Aleksander Alekseev (a.alekseev) Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 3 2 months ago
C-Language Functions docs on how to call internal functions 5255 Committed Not processed Florents Tselai (florentst) Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Tom Lane (tgl) 2 2 months ago
Recommend --no-psqlrc when restoring a pg_dump script 5306 Committed stable Not processed Shinya Kato (shinyakato) Robert Treat (xzilla) Tom Lane (tgl) 2 2 months ago
Clarify old WAL files cannot be removed until they are summarized 5310 Committed Not processed Fujii Masao (masaofujii) Fujii Masao (masaofujii) 2 3 months ago
fix deprecation mention for age() and mxid_age() 5384 Committed 18 Not processed Bertrand Drouvot ( Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 3 months ago
Parallel index build for BRIN 5398 Committed 17 Not processed Egor Rogov (egorius) Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) 1 3 months ago
Doc: clarify the log message level of the VERBOSE option 5419 Committed Not processed Masahiro Ikeda (masahiro.ikeda) Fujii Masao (masaofujii) 1 2 months ago
Question about behavior of deletes with REPLICA IDENTITY NOTHING 5445 Committed Not processed Robert Treat (xzilla) Peter Smith (smithpb2250) Amit Kapila (amitkapila) 1 2 months ago
Add trim_trailing_whitespace to editorconfig file 4829 Committed Not processed Jelte Fennema-Nio (jeltef) Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 5 1 month ago
better error message when --single is not the first arg to postgres executable 5052 Committed 18 Not processed Nathan Bossart (bossartn), Greg Sabino Mullane (greg) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 4 3 months ago
Casts from jsonb to other types should cope with json null 5152 Committed Not processed Tom Lane (tgl) Tom Lane (tgl) 3 2 months ago
Prohibit to use EphemeralNamedRelation in materialized views 5153 Committed Not processed Yugo Nagata (yugo.nagata) Tom Lane (tgl) Tom Lane (tgl) 3 2 months ago
pure parsers and reentrant scanners 5417 Committed Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Andreas Karlsson (kandreas) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 2 months ago
Add PageData type and add const qualifiers to bufpage.h 5440 Committed Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 2 months ago
accommodate large DSA requests in dshash 5443 Committed stable Not processed Matthias van de Meent (mmeent) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 1 3 months ago
IWYU annotations 5475 Committed Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 2 months ago
Monitoring & Control
Show WAL stats on pg_stat_io 4950 Committed Not processed Nazir Bilal Yavuz (nbyavuz) Akshat Jaimini (akshatj) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 4 1 month ago
per backend I/O statistics 5232 Committed 18 Not processed Bertrand Drouvot ( Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 2 2 months ago
Make pg_stat_io view count IOs as bytes instead of blocks 5256 Committed 18 Not processed Nazir Bilal Yavuz (nbyavuz) Michael Paquier (michael-kun), Andrew Dunstan (adunstan) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 2 2 months ago
Count and log pages set all frozen by vacuum 5346 Committed Not processed Melanie Plageman (melanieplageman) Melanie Plageman (melanieplageman) 2 3 months ago
Avoid unnecessary PlaceHolderVars for simple Vars 4319 Committed Not processed Richard Guo (richardguo) James Coleman (jcole1989) Richard Guo (richardguo) 9 3 months ago
Make tuple deformation faster 5097 Committed Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) David Rowley (davidrowley) 4 3 months ago
Add ExprState hashing for GROUP BY and hashed SubPlans 5229 Committed Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) David Rowley (davidrowley) 3 3 months ago
use a non-locking initial test in TAS_SPIN on AArch64 5321 Committed 18 Not processed Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 2 2 months ago
Additional function inlining for slow_deform_heap_tuple 5347 Committed Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) David Rowley (davidrowley) 2 4 months ago
Converting SetOp to read its two inputs separately 5377 Committed Not processed Tom Lane (tgl) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 3 months ago
avoid calling pgstat_read_current_status() in pg_signal_backend() 5400 Committed 18 Not processed Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 1 4 months ago
Avoid unnecessary wrapping for more complex expressions 5434 Committed Not processed Richard Guo (richardguo) Richard Guo (richardguo) 1 3 months ago
Some ExecSeqScan optimizations 5453 Committed 18 Not processed Amit Langote (amitlan) Amit Langote (amitlan) 1 2 months ago
More reliable nbtree detection of unsatisfiable RowCompare quals involving a leading NULL key/element 5460 Committed Not processed Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) 1 2 months ago
Use <stdint.h> for int64_t and other exact-width integer types 4938 Committed Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) Peter Eisentraut (petere) Thomas Munro (macdice) 4 3 months ago
JIT: The nullness of casetest.value can be determined at the JIT compile time. 5236 Committed 18 Not processed Xing Guo (higuoxing) Tom Lane (tgl) Tom Lane (tgl) 2 1 month ago
Move clause_sides_match_join() into pathnode.h 5289 Committed Not processed James Hunter (hunjmes) David Rowley (davidrowley) 2 5 months ago
simplify regular expression locale global variables 5313 Committed Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 2 3 months ago
Clear padding in PgStat_HashKey keys 5367 Committed 18 Not processed Bertrand Drouvot ( Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 4 months ago
Use attribute function for SSE42 CRC32C code 5372 Committed 18 Not processed Raghuveer Devulapalli (rdevulap) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 1 4 months ago
Rework subscription-related code for psql and pg_dump 5412 Committed 18 Not processed Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 3 months ago
downgrade some aclchk.c errors to internal 5463 Committed Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 2 months ago
Convert macros to static inline functions 5471 Committed Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 1 month ago
Replication & Recovery
Improve the error message for logical replication of regular column to generated column. 5401 Committed Not processed Shubham Khanna (skhanna) Hayato Kuroda (ha-kun), vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres), Peter Smith (smithpb) Amit Kapila (amitkapila) 1 4 months ago
deprecate md5 passwords 5295 Committed 18 Not processed Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Greg Sabino Mullane (greg) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 2 3 months ago
Convert contrib SQL functions to new style 5368 Committed 18 Not processed Tom Lane (tgl), Ronan Dunklau (rdunklau) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 2 months ago
Parametrization minimum password length 5380 Committed stable Not processed Emanuele Musella (musedexter) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 1 2 months ago
Server Features
UUID v7 4388 Committed 17 Not processed Andrey Borodin (x4m) Masahiko Sawada (masahikosawada), Aleksander Alekseev (a.alekseev), Chris Travers (einhverfr), Nikolay Samokhvalov (nikolay), Przemysław Sztoch (psztoch), Kirk Wolak (kirkw) Masahiko Sawada (masahikosawada) 9 1 month ago
Increase 2Gb limit of memory GUC variables in 64-bit Windows 5343 Committed 18 Not processed Vladlen Popolitov (vladlenpopolitov) Tom Lane (tgl) Tom Lane (tgl) 2 1 month ago
SCRAM authentication for postgres_fdw connections 5423 Committed Not processed Matheus Alcantara (matheus.alcantara) Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 2 months ago
fixing tsearch locale support 5424 Committed Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 3 months ago
Unicode full case mapping and standard-compliant UCS_BASIC 5435 Committed 18 Not processed Jeff Davis (jdavis) Jeff Davis (jdavis) 1 2 months ago
Unicode case folding: new CASEFOLD() function. 5436 Committed 18 Not processed Jeff Davis (jdavis) Jeff Davis (jdavis) 1 2 months ago
SQL Commands
RETURNING OLD/NEW values 4723 Committed 18 Not processed Dean Rasheed (deanr) Dean Rasheed (deanr) 6 2 months ago
Add roman support for to_number function 5221 Committed 18 Not processed Hunaid Sohail (hunaid) Maciek Sakrejda (msakrejda-pga) Tom Lane (tgl) 3 2 months ago
System Administration
allow changing autovacuum_max_workers without restarting 4921 Committed 18 Not processed Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Yogesh Sharma (sharmay) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 4 2 months ago
Convert sepgsql tests to TAP 4992 Committed Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Andreas Karlsson (kandreas) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 4 1 month ago
Issue with pgbench nested \if 5439 Committed Not processed Michail Nikolaev (nkey) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 3 months ago