Commitfest 2025-01

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Needs review: 31. Waiting on Author: 12. Ready for Committer: 4. Committed: 82. Moved to next CF: 205. Returned with Feedback: 6. Rejected: 4. Withdrawn: 14. Total: 358.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
Bug Fixes
Forbid accessing other session's temporary tables 5392 Withdrawn stable Not processed Mikhail Gribkov (youzhick) 1 3 months ago
Windows pg_basebackup unable to create >2GB pg_wal.tar tarballs ("could not close file: Invalid argument" when creating pg_wal.tar of size ~ 2^31 bytes) 5403 Withdrawn stable Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice), Jakub Wartak (jakub.wartak.tomtom) Thomas Munro (macdice) 1 2 months ago
[BUG] Assert fails for local buffers in BufferIsExclusiveLocked 5427 Withdrawn Not processed 1 1 month ago
doc: virtual envs with Pl/Python 5308 Withdrawn Not processed Florents Tselai (florentst) 2 5 months ago
clean up create|alter domain stmt incompatiable constraint error case and add regression test 5385 Withdrawn 18 Not processed 1 3 months ago
Monitoring & Control
Add pg_ownerships and pg_privileges system views 5033 Withdrawn Not processed Joel Jacobson (joeljacobson) 4 3 months ago
Sampling of queries in pg_stat_statements 5389 Withdrawn Not processed 1 6 days ago
Allow EXPLAIN to Output Page Fault Information 5477 Withdrawn Not processed Atsushi Torikoshi (torikoshia) 1 3 days ago
Shave a few cycles off our ilog10 implementation 5358 Withdrawn 18 Not processed David Fetter (dfetter) Heikki Linnakangas (heikki), David Rowley (davidrowley) 2 3 months ago
Fix a few issues in collation cache 5164 Withdrawn 18 Not processed Jeff Davis (jdavis) 3 3 months ago
Add a warning message when using unencrypted passwords 5426 Withdrawn Not processed Guillaume Lelarge (gleu) Nathan Bossart (bossartn) 1 3 months ago
Server Features
CREATE DATABASE ... STRICT_UNICODE 4876 Withdrawn Not processed Jeff Davis (jdavis) 5 3 months ago
SQL Commands
Support regular expressions with nondeterministic collations 5334 Withdrawn Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) 2 2 months ago
System Administration
Track collation and ctype versions separately 5141 Withdrawn 18 Not processed Jeff Davis (jdavis) 3 8 months ago