Commitfest 2023-03

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Committed: 127. Moved to next CF: 152. Withdrawn: 22. Returned with Feedback: 9. Rejected: 9. Total: 319.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
New hooks in the connection path 3735 Returned with feedback 16 Not processed Bertrand Drouvot (bdrouvot) Joe Conway (jconway), Bharath Rupireddy (bharathrupireddy) 5 1 year ago
Allow self-conflicting INSERT INTO .. ON CONFLICT DO UPDATEs 4142 Returned with feedback 16 Not processed Aleksander Alekseev (a.alekseev) 1 2 years ago
Consider parallel for LATERAL subqueries having LIMIT/OFFSET 2851 Returned with feedback Not processed James Coleman (jcole1989) Greg Nancarrow (gregn1234) 11 2 years ago
Use fadvise in wal replay 3707 Returned with feedback Not processed Kirill Reshke (reshke), Jakub Wartak (jakub.wartak.tomtom) Andrey Borodin (x4m), Pavel Borisov (pborisov) 5 1 year ago
psql - refactor echo code 3140 Returned with feedback Not processed Fabien Coelho (calvin) Pavel Stehule (okbobcz), Peter Eisentraut (petere) 10 1 year ago
Windows filesystem support improvements 3951 Returned with feedback Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) 3 2 years ago
Replication & Recovery
Time-delayed logical replication subscriber 3581 Returned with feedback Not processed Euler Taveira (eulerto) vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres), Peter Smith (smithpb2250) 6 1 year ago
Exit walsender before confirming remote flush in logical replication 4085 Returned with feedback Not processed Hayato Kuroda (ha-kun) 2 2 years ago
Better infrastructure for automated testing of concurrency issues 3870 Returned with feedback 16 Not processed Alexander Korotkov (smagen) 4 1 year ago