Commitfest 2016-11

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Committed: 41. Moved to next CF: 81. Rejected: 7. Returned with Feedback: 18. Total: 147.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
Bug Fixes
pg_filedump is broken 819 Returned with feedback Not processed Aleksander Alekseev (a.alekseev) Christoph Berg (myon) 1 8 years ago
Detect supported SET parameters when pg_restore is run 803 Returned with feedback Not processed Vitaly Burovoy (vitaly.burovoy) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 8 years ago
Stop psql interactive command execution upon connection reset 830 Returned with feedback Not processed Alex Shulgin (ash) Aya Iwata (iwata.aya), Ashutosh Bapat (ashutoshbapat) 1 8 years ago
pageinspect: Hash index support 758 Returned with feedback Not processed Jesper Pedersen (jpedersen) Peter Eisentraut (petere), Ashutosh Sharma (ashutosh.sharma88) 2 8 years ago
enum support in btree_gin and btree_gist 784 Returned with feedback Not processed Andrew Dunstan (adunstan) Emre Hasegeli (hasegeli) 1 8 years ago
Batch (pipelined) mode for libpq 634 Returned with feedback Not processed Craig Ringer (ringerc) Michael Paquier (michael-kun), Takayuki Tsunakawa (maumau) 2 4 years ago
Refactoring: rename md5Salt to pwsalt 804 Returned with feedback Not processed Aleksander Alekseev (a.alekseev) 1 8 years ago
Replication & Recovery
Logical decoding timeline following take II 779 Returned with feedback Not processed Craig Ringer (ringerc) Petr Jelínek (pjmodos) 2 8 years ago
Convert recovery.conf settings to GUCs 870 Returned with feedback Not processed Abhijit Menon-Sen (ams) Andres Freund (andresfreund) 1 7 years ago
postgres_fdw super user checks 824 Returned with feedback Not processed Jeff Janes (jjanes) Ashutosh Bapat (ashutoshbapat) 1 7 years ago
Add radiustimeout parameter for RADIUS HBA 846 Returned with feedback Not processed Samuel Leslie (ralish) Haribabu Kommi (haribabu) 1 8 years ago
Server Features
Asynchronous execution of ForeignScans 751 Returned with feedback Not processed Kyotaro Horiguchi (horiguti) Amit Khandekar (amitdkhan) 2 8 years ago
Covering + unique indexes 808 Returned with feedback Not processed Anastasia Lubennikova (lubennikovaav) 1 6 years ago
AT add columns with default in O(1) 843 Returned with feedback Not processed Serge Rielau (srielau) Vitaly Burovoy (vitaly.burovoy) 1 8 years ago
Pass down Limit bounds [take-2] 866 Returned with feedback Not processed KaiGai Kohei (kaigai) Jeevan Chalke (jeevan.chalke) 1 8 years ago
SQL Commands
LOCK TABLE .. DEFERRABLE 602 Returned with feedback Not processed Rod Taylor (rbt) Simon Riggs (simon) 2 8 years ago
Mention column name in error messages 818 Returned with feedback Not processed Franck Verrot (franckverrot) Michael Paquier (michael-kun), Kuntal Ghosh (kuntal_ghosh) 1 8 years ago
System Administration
VACUUM's ancillary tasks 744 Returned with feedback Not processed Vik Fearing (xocolatl) Simon Riggs (simon), Thomas Munro (macdice) 2 8 years ago