Commitfest 2020-03

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Committed: 90. Moved to next CF: 117. Withdrawn: 8. Rejected: 1. Returned with Feedback: 21. Total: 237.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
Bug Fixes
Replica sends an incorrect epoch in its hot standby feedback to the Master 2462 Withdrawn Not processed 1 5 years ago
Replica sends an incorrect epoch in its hot standby feedback to the Master 2463 Withdrawn Not processed 1 5 years ago
Add reverse collations 2356 Withdrawn 13 Not processed David Fetter (dfetter) 2 5 years ago
Allow FunctionScans to pipeline results 2372 Withdrawn 13 Not processed John Dent (denty) 2 5 years ago
Procedural Languages
Support migration of plpythonu to Python 3 2473 Withdrawn Not processed Tom Lane (tgl) 1 4 years ago
standardize integer parsing in front-end utilities 2197 Withdrawn Not processed Surafel Temesgen (surafel), Joe Nelson (begriffs) Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) 4 5 years ago
Server Features
Allow WHEN in INSTEAD OF triggers 2398 Withdrawn Not processed David Fetter (dfetter) 2 5 years ago
System Administration
Add in the \conninfo start time current connection 2423 Withdrawn 13 Not processed Rodrigo Ramírez (roramirez) 1 5 years ago