Commitfest 2020-03

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Committed: 90. Moved to next CF: 117. Withdrawn: 8. Rejected: 1. Returned with Feedback: 21. Total: 237.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
pgrename_temp() – concurrent rename of temporary files on Windows 2230 Returned with feedback Not processed Alexander Korotkov (smagen) 4 4 years ago
Improve checking for pg_index.xmin 2337 Returned with feedback Not processed Alexander Korotkov (smagen) 3 5 years ago
Monitoring & Control
socket_timeout in interfaces/libpq 2175 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Ryohei Nagaura (nyannyan) 5 4 years ago
Parallel leader process info in EXPLAIN output 2315 Returned with feedback Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) Melanie Plageman (melanieplageman) 3 5 years ago
In bitmap scan explain node show how many relevant heap pages were not examined 2443 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Jeff Janes (jjanes) James Coleman (jcole1989) 1 4 years ago
Allow auto_explain to log plans before queries are executed 2480 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Yugo Nagata (yugo.nagata) Julien Rouhaud (rjuju) 1 4 years ago
KNN for B-tree 1804 Returned with feedback Not processed Nikita Glukhov (n.glukhov) Alexander Korotkov (smagen), Anastasia Lubennikova (lubennikovaav) Alexander Korotkov (smagen) 8 4 months ago
NOT IN to ANTI JOIN transformation 2023 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed James Finnerty (jimfinnerty), Zheng Li (zhengli) 6 4 years ago
Run-time pruning for ModifyTable 2173 Returned with feedback Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) Amit Langote (amitlan), sho kato (kato-sho) 5 4 years ago
Refactor compile-time assertion checks for C/C++ 2437 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Georgios Kokolatos (gkokolatos) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 5 years ago
Replication & Recovery
base backup client as auxiliary backend process 2192 Returned with feedback Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) 5 5 years ago
Row filtering for logical replication 2270 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Euler Taveira (eulerto) Amit Langote (amitlan), Gerdan Santos (gerdan), movead li ( 4 3 years ago
Allow cluster owner to bypass authentication 2244 Returned with feedback Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) 4 4 years ago
Server Features
Resume vacuum and autovacuum from interruption and cancellation 2211 Returned with feedback Not processed Masahiko Sawada (masahikosawada) Rafia Sabih (rafia.sabih), Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) 4 4 years ago
SQL Commands
conflict handling for COPY FROM 2186 Returned with feedback Not processed Surafel Temesgen (surafel) Alexey Kondratov (ololobus), Anthony Nowocien (anthonyn), Takanori Asaba (takanori.asaba) 5 4 years ago
polymorphic table functions 2405 Returned with feedback Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) 2 5 years ago
Support external parameters in EXECUTE command 2460 Returned with feedback Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 5 years ago
System Administration
Online checksums - take 3 2260 Returned with feedback Not processed Magnus Hagander (mha), Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) 4 4 years ago
Verify true root on replicas with amcheck 2418 Returned with feedback Not processed Georgy Rylov (godjan) Cleysson Lima (cleyssonlima) 1 4 years ago
Add in the \conninfo start time current connection 2422 Returned with feedback Not processed Rodrigo Ramírez (roramirez) 1 5 years ago
Function to track shmem reinit time 2496 Returned with feedback Not processed Anastasia Lubennikova (lubennikovaav) Robert Haas (rhaas), Alexander Korotkov (smagen), Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) 1 5 years ago