Commitfest 2019-09

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Committed: 39. Moved to next CF: 151. Withdrawn: 11. Rejected: 1. Returned with Feedback: 26. Total: 228.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
Bug Fixes
propagating replica identity to partitions 2044 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 3 5 years ago
libpq trace log 1854 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Aya Iwata (iwata.aya) Jacob Champion (jchampion), Jim Doty (doty-pivotal), Ramanarayana M (ramnar) 5 3 years ago
psql: add tab completion for \df slash command suffixes 2268 Returned with feedback stable Not processed Ian Barwick (barwick) Kuntal Ghosh (kuntal_ghosh) 1 5 years ago
documenting signal handling with readme 1796 Returned with feedback Not processed Chris Travers (einhverfr) Tom Lane (tgl) 5 5 years ago
List of Available Figures/Graphics in the Documentation 2204 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Jürgen Purtz ( 1 5 years ago
suppress errors thrown by to_reg*() 2060 Returned with feedback Not processed takuma hoshiai (hoshiai) Tom Lane (tgl) 2 5 years ago
Mingw: Fix import library extension, build actual static libraries 2082 Returned with feedback Not processed Sandro Mani (sandrom) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 2 5 years ago
Implement uuid_version() 2084 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Jose Luis Tallon (jltallon) Fabien Coelho (calvin) 2 5 years ago
pg_upgrade version and path checking 2095 Returned with feedback Not processed Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 2 4 years ago
vacuumlo: report the number of large objects going to be removed 2148 Returned with feedback Not processed Timur Birsh (taem) 2 5 years ago
Add test case for sslinfo 2203 Returned with feedback Not processed 1 5 years ago
Monitoring & Control
Adding column "mem_usage" to view pg_prepared_statements 2223 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Daniel Migowski (dmigowski) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 5 years ago
Global shared meta cache 1695 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Takeshi Ideriha (ideriha) 7 5 years ago
Flexible partition pruning hook 2028 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Mike Palmiotto (mpalmiotto) 3 5 years ago
Parallel-aware file_fdw 2108 Returned with feedback Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) 2 5 years ago
Take skip header out of a loop in COPY FROM 2253 Returned with feedback Not processed Surafel Temesgen (surafel) 1 5 years ago
get rid of StdRdOptions, use individual binary reloptions representation for each relation kind instead 1536 Returned with feedback Not processed Nikolay Shaplov (nataraj) John Dent (denty) 8 5 years ago
Refactoring of connection with password prompt loop for frontends 2248 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 5 years ago
Replication & Recovery
Logical decoding of two-phase transactions 944 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Nikhil Sontakke (nikkhils) Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz), Petr Jelínek (pjmodos) 13 3 years ago
Synchronizing slots from primary to standby 1961 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Petr Jelínek (pjmodos) Shaun Thomas (bonesmoses) 4 5 years ago
Server Features
Custom compression methods 1294 Returned with feedback Not processed Ildus Kurbangaliev (ildus) 10 4 years ago
Introduce spgist quadtree @<(point,circle) operator 2124 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Matwey V. Kornilov (matwey) 2 5 years ago
Shared Memory Context 2166 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Takeshi Ideriha (ideriha) Thomas Munro (macdice) 2 5 years ago
REINDEX filtering in the backend 2206 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Julien Rouhaud (rjuju) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 5 years ago
SQL Commands
extension patch of CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER 2034 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Takamichi Osumi (tatatappp) Surafel Temesgen (surafel), Philippe BEAUDOIN (beaud76) 3 4 years ago
pg_get_databasebyid(oid) 2261 Returned with feedback Not processed Sergei Kornilov (melkij) Vik Fearing (xocolatl), Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) 1 5 years ago