Commitfest 2019-07

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Committed: 64. Moved to next CF: 147. Withdrawn: 11. Returned with Feedback: 7. Rejected: 2. Total: 231.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
Bug Fixes
Allow AddForeignUpdateTargets to add extra target expressions other than columns 1819 Moved to next CF Not processed Etsuro Fujita (efujita), Kyotaro Horiguchi (horiguti) Etsuro Fujita (efujita) 6 5 years ago
SimpleLruTruncate() mutual exclusion (data loss from lack thereof) 2025 Moved to next CF stable Not processed Noah Misch (nmisch) 5 5 years ago
propagating replica identity to partitions 2044 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 3 5 years ago
Unaccent extension python script Issue in Windows 2062 Moved to next CF Not processed Hugh Ranalli (hughr), Ramanarayana M (ramnar) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 2 5 years ago
Fix pg_dump for partition tablespaces 2066 Committed Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 1 5 years ago
Fix: vacuum_cost_delay should be real everywhere 2074 Committed 12 Not processed Nikolay Shaplov (nataraj) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 6 years ago
Problem during Windows service start 2087 Moved to next CF Not processed Ramanarayana M (ramnar) 2 5 years ago
TM format can mix encodings in to_char() 2097 Committed Not processed Juanjo Santamaria Flecha ( Tom Lane (tgl) 1 5 years ago
REINDEX INDEX results in a crash for an index of pg_class since 9.6 2101 Committed Not processed Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Andres Freund (andresfreund) 1 5 years ago
pg_stat_database update stats_reset only by pg_stat_reset 2116 Withdrawn Not processed zhang lian zhuang (zlianzhuang) 1 5 years ago
Fix issues with "x SIMILAR TO y ESCAPE NULL" 2128 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Tom Lane (tgl) Tom Lane (tgl) 2 5 years ago
Fix subqueries with shadowed aliases 2136 Committed stable Not processed Demur Rumed (serprex) Tom Lane (tgl) 1 5 years ago
pg_basebackup failure after setting default_table_access_method option 2137 Committed Not processed vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) Andres Freund (andresfreund) 1 5 years ago
nbtdesc.c and nbtpage.c are inconsistent with XLOG_BTREE_META_CLEANUP (11~) 2153 Committed stable Not processed Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 5 years ago
Multiple problems with default partition constraint checking 2182 Committed Not processed Amit Langote (amitlan) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 1 5 years ago
pgbench - another attempt at tap test for time-related options 1306 Moved to next CF Not processed Fabien Coelho (calvin) 14 4 years ago
pgbench - implement strict TPC-B benchmark 2090 Moved to next CF Not processed Fabien Coelho (calvin) 3 5 years ago
Small typo fix on tableam documentation 2083 Rejected Not processed Alexis Andrieu (aandrieu) 1 5 years ago
docs about FKs referencing partitioned tables 2123 Withdrawn 12 Not processed Paul Jungwirth (pjungwir) 1 5 years ago
Make installcheck-world in a clean environment 1672 Withdrawn Not processed Alexander Lakhin (law) 6 5 years ago
Compile from source using latest Microsoft Windows SDK 2078 Committed Not processed Peifeng Qiu (pqiu) Andrew Dunstan (adunstan) 1 5 years ago
Speed up build on Windows by generating symbol definition in batch 2079 Committed Not processed Peifeng Qiu (pqiu) Noah Misch (nmisch) 1 5 years ago
parse-time support function for "any" datatype 2081 Moved to next CF Not processed Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) 10 4 years ago
Improve Append/MergeAppend EXPLAIN output when all subplans are pruned. 2102 Moved to next CF Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) 3 5 years ago
Rearrange postmaster startup order to improve logging behavior 2126 Moved to next CF Not processed Tom Lane (tgl) Tom Lane (tgl) 2 5 years ago
vacuumlo: report the number of large objects going to be removed 2148 Moved to next CF Not processed Timur Birsh (taem) 2 5 years ago
errbacktrace 2177 Moved to next CF Not processed Álvaro Herrera (alvherre), Peter Eisentraut (petere) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 3 5 years ago
Monitoring & Control
Log bind parameter values on error 1934 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Alexey Bashtanov (bashtanov) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 6 5 years ago
minimizing pg_stat_statements.track='none' performance overhead 2092 Withdrawn Not processed Raymond Martin (ramarti) 1 5 years ago
socket_timeout in interfaces/libpq 2175 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Ryohei Nagaura (nyannyan) 5 4 years ago
Global shared meta cache 1695 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Takeshi Ideriha (ideriha) 7 5 years ago
NOT IN to ANTI JOIN transformation 2023 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed James Finnerty (jimfinnerty), Zheng Li (zhengli) 6 4 years ago
Flexible partition pruning hook 2028 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Mike Palmiotto (mpalmiotto) 3 5 years ago
Cleanup and speedup string functions 2129 Committed Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) David Rowley (davidrowley) 1 5 years ago
Parallel grouping sets 2147 Moved to next CF Not processed Richard Guo (richardguo) 6 4 years ago
Optimize pglz compression 2180 Moved to next CF Not processed Andrey Borodin (x4m), Владимир Лесков (tinsane) 2 5 years ago
de-TOAST'ing using a iterator 2194 Moved to next CF Not processed Xiao Bao (djydewang) 8 4 years ago
Procedural Languages
block level PRAGMA 1925 Rejected Not processed Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) 3 5 years ago
Replication & Recovery
Synchronous replay mode for avoiding stale reads on hot standbys 1589 Withdrawn 13 Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) 7 6 years ago
Add timeline to partial WAL segments 1919 Moved to next CF Not processed David Steele (dsteele) 9 4 years ago
warning to publication created and wal_level is not set to logical 2068 Committed Not processed Lucas Viecelli (lucasviecelli) Thomas Munro (macdice) 1 5 years ago
unlogged sequences 2167 Moved to next CF Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 3 2 years ago
base backup client as auxiliary backend process 2192 Moved to next CF Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) 5 5 years ago
using explicit_bzero 2170 Moved to next CF Not processed Peter Eisentraut (petere) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 2 5 years ago
Server Features
Custom compression methods 1294 Moved to next CF Not processed Ildus Kurbangaliev (ildus) 10 4 years ago
BRIN bloom and multi-minmax indexes 1348 Moved to next CF Not processed Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) 11 4 years ago
Add enum relation option type 1489 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Nikolay Shaplov (nataraj) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 8 5 years ago
Undo worker and transaction rollback 1828 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Amit Kapila (amitkapila), Dilip Kumar (dilip.kumar), mithun cy (, Rafia Sabih (rafia.sabih) 5 6 years ago
Cleaning up orphaned files using undo logs 1863 Moved to next CF Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) 5 3 years ago
NOTIFY options + COLLAPSE (make deduplication optional) 2053 Moved to next CF Not processed Filip Rembiałkowski (filiprem) Tom Lane (tgl) 2 5 years ago
Introduce spgist quadtree @<(point,circle) operator 2124 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Matwey V. Kornilov (matwey) 2 5 years ago
Opclass parameters 2183 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Nikita Glukhov (n.glukhov) 3 4 years ago
SQL Commands
FETCH FIRST clause PERCENT option 2176 Moved to next CF Not processed Surafel Temesgen (surafel) 12 3 years ago
System Administration
Support huge_pages on AIX 1960 Moved to next CF 13 Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) Thomas Munro (macdice) 6 5 years ago