Commitfest 2018-09

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Committed: 46. Moved to next CF: 128. Rejected: 5. Returned with Feedback: 36. Total: 215.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
Bug Fixes
Create a new session for postmaster in pg_ctl 1772 Returned with feedback Not processed Paul Guo (paulguo-pivotal) Tom Lane (tgl), Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 1 6 years ago
Tab completion for SELECT in psql 1376 Returned with feedback Not processed Edmund Horner (ejrh) Vik Fearing (xocolatl), Johnes Castro (johnes), Ruurd Pels (ruurd) 4 6 years ago
Find additional connection service files in pg_service.conf.d directory 1480 Returned with feedback Not processed Curt Tilmes (ctilmes) Heikki Linnakangas (heikki) 3 6 years ago
csv output format for psql 1500 Returned with feedback Not processed Daniel Vérité (danielverite) Fabien Coelho (calvin), Lætitia AVROT (arkhena) 3 6 years ago
pgbench - test whether a variable exists 1528 Returned with feedback Not processed Fabien Coelho (calvin) 3 4 years ago
WIP: Pgbench Errors and serialization/deadlock retries 1645 Returned with feedback Not processed Marina Polyakova (whipping.top1991) Fabien Coelho (calvin), Kevin Grittner (kgrittn) 2 2 years ago
pg_dumpall --exclude-database option 1743 Returned with feedback Not processed Andrew Dunstan (adunstan) Fabien Coelho (calvin) 1 6 years ago
libpq should append error messages, not overwrite 1752 Returned with feedback Not processed Tom Lane (tgl) Fabien Coelho (calvin) 1 6 years ago
Adding a note to protocol.sgml regarding CopyData 1738 Returned with feedback Not processed Tatsuo Ishii (ishii), Bradley DeJong (bd) Fabien Coelho (calvin) 1 6 years ago
Monitoring & Control
pg_stat_statements with plans (v02) 1470 Returned with feedback Not processed Marius Timmer (mtimm_01), Julian Markwort (markwort) Artur Zakirov (a.zakirov) 3 6 years ago
Vacuum: allow usage of more than 1GB of work mem 844 Returned with feedback Not processed Heikki Linnakangas (heikki), Claudio Freire (klaussfreire) Heikki Linnakangas (heikki), Masahiko Sawada (masahikosawada), Anastasia Lubennikova (lubennikovaav), Aleksander Alekseev (a.alekseev), Alexey Chernyshov (alexey-chernyshov) 9 6 years ago
Convert join OR clauses into UNION queries 1001 Returned with feedback Not processed Tom Lane (tgl) Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan), Jim Nasby (decibel), Noah Misch (nmisch) 7 6 years ago
Improve compactify_tuples and PageRepairFragmentation 1138 Returned with feedback Not processed Yura Sokolov (funny_falcon) Claudio Freire (klaussfreire) 6 6 years ago
Exclude partition constaint checking in query execution plan for partitioned table queries 1264 Returned with feedback Not processed Konstantin Knizhnik (knizhnik) David Rowley (davidrowley), Thomas Munro (macdice) 6 6 years ago
Better estimate for filter cost 1296 Returned with feedback Not processed Yuto Hayamizu (hayamiz), Ryoji Kawamichi (kawamichi) Thomas Munro (macdice), Ashutosh Bapat (ashutoshbapat) 5 6 years ago
Remove LEFT JOINs in more cases 1364 Returned with feedback Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) Antonin Houska (a.houska) 5 6 years ago
OFFSET optimisation for IndexScan using visibility map 1513 Returned with feedback Not processed Michail Nikolaev (nkey) Heikki Linnakangas (heikki), Andrey Borodin (x4m) 3 6 years ago
Speed up WAL file removal during recovery 1530 Returned with feedback Not processed Takayuki Tsunakawa (maumau) Fujii Masao (masaofujii) 3 6 years ago
Subplan result cache 1646 Returned with feedback Not processed Heikki Linnakangas (heikki) David Rowley (davidrowley) 2 6 years ago
Make deparsing of column defaults faster 1657 Returned with feedback Not processed Jeff Janes (jjanes) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 2 6 years ago
Improve recovery performance of dropping database having many tablespaces 1658 Returned with feedback Not processed Fujii Masao (masaofujii) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 2 5 years ago
Push down aggregates below joins. 1685 Returned with feedback Not processed Heikki Linnakangas (heikki) 2 6 years ago
option to disable WAL recycling 1700 Returned with feedback Not processed Jerry Jelinek (jerryj) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 2 5 years ago
Make executor's Range Table an array instead of a List 1771 Returned with feedback Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) 1 6 years ago
Procedural Languages
Add missing type conversion functions for PL/Python 1499 Returned with feedback Not processed Haozhou Wang (hawang) Heikki Linnakangas (heikki), Nikita Glukhov (n.glukhov), Anthony Bykov (anthonyb) 3 6 years ago
Upper limit arguments of pg_logical_slot_xxx_changes functions accept invalid values 1725 Returned with feedback Not processed Masahiko Sawada (masahikosawada) Brian Faherty (scrummyin) 1 6 years ago
Replication & Recovery
logical streaming for large in-progress transactions 1429 Returned with feedback Not processed Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz), Petr Jelínek (pjmodos) Masahiko Sawada (masahikosawada), Peter Eisentraut (petere) 4 4 years ago
Row filtering for logical replication 1710 Returned with feedback Not processed Euler Taveira (eulerto) Hironobu Suzuki (suzuki_hironobu) 2 3 years ago
Server Features
Client Connection redirection support for PostgreSQL 1673 Returned with feedback Not processed 2 6 years ago
SLRU data page checksums 1682 Returned with feedback Not processed 2 6 years ago
SQL Commands
Foreign Key Arrays 1252 Returned with feedback Not processed Mark Rofail (markmoheb) Andreas Karlsson (kandreas), Sergey Myasoedov (smyasoedov) Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) 6 3 years ago
ALTER TABLE - check for column existence before starting operations 1621 Returned with feedback Not processed Pierre Ducroquet (pinaraf) Artur Zakirov (a.zakirov) 2 6 years ago
Allow COPY's 'text' format to output a header 1629 Returned with feedback Not processed Simon Muller (samuller) Cynthia Shang (cshang) Andrew Dunstan (adunstan) 2 2 years ago
Allow to specify a index name as ANALYZE parameter 1721 Returned with feedback Not processed Yugo Nagata (yugo.nagata) John Naylor (john.naylor) 1 6 years ago
Add IGNORE NULLS and FROM LAST options 1724 Returned with feedback Not processed Oliver Ford (ojford) Krasiyan Andreev (krasiyan) Andrew Gierth (rhodiumtoad) 1 2 weeks ago
System Administration
Allow pg_verify_checksums to specify a database to scan 1782 Returned with feedback Not processed Yugo Nagata (yugo.nagata) Fabien Coelho (calvin) 1 6 years ago