hostorder and failover_timeout for libpq

ID 1631
Title hostorder and failover_timeout for libpq
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Clients
Created 2018-05-15 13:56:31
Last modified 2019-02-03 10:36:12 (6 years ago)
Latest email 2019-02-03 10:36:03 (6 years ago)
2019-01: Returned with feedback
2018-11: Moved to next CF
2018-09: Moved to next CF
2018-07: Moved to next CF
Target version
Authors Ildar Musin (i.musin)
Reviewers Surafel Temesgen (surafel)Become reviewer
hostorder and failover_timeout for libpq
First at 2018-04-18 11:34:12 by Ildar Musin <i.musin at>
Latest at 2019-02-03 10:36:03 by Andres Freund <andres at>
Latest attachment (hostorder_v1.patch) at 2018-04-18 11:34:12 from Ildar Musin <i.musin at>
    Attachment (hostorder_v1.patch) at 2018-04-18 11:34:12 from Ildar Musin <i.musin at> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2019-02-03 10:36:12 Andres Freund (andresfreund) Closed in commitfest 2019-01 with status: Returned with feedback
2018-11-29 16:22:07 Dmitry Dolgov (erthalion) New status: Waiting on Author
2018-11-29 16:21:57 Dmitry Dolgov (erthalion) Closed in commitfest 2018-11 with status: Moved to next CF
2018-11-29 16:21:52 Dmitry Dolgov (erthalion) New status: Needs review
2018-10-01 07:10:45 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) New status: Waiting on Author
2018-10-01 07:10:38 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Closed in commitfest 2018-09 with status: Moved to next CF
2018-10-01 07:10:34 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) New status: Needs review
2018-09-17 06:32:51 Surafel Temesgen (surafel) New status: Waiting on Author
2018-09-07 06:05:42 Surafel Temesgen (surafel) Added surafel as reviewer
2018-08-10 22:12:59 Andrew Dunstan (adunstan) Closed in commitfest 2018-07 with status: Moved to next CF
2018-05-15 13:58:23 Ildar Musin (i.musin) Changed authors to Ildar Musin (i.musin)
2018-05-15 13:57:42 Ildar Musin (i.musin) Changed authors to Victor Wagner (vitus_wagner), Ildar Musin (i.musin)
2018-05-15 13:56:31 Ildar Musin (i.musin) Attached mail thread
2018-05-15 13:56:31 Ildar Musin (i.musin) Created patch record