Eliminating SPI / SQL from some RI trigger functions

ID 5450
Title Eliminating SPI / SQL from some RI trigger functions
CI (CFBot) Needs rebase! Needs rebase since 1 week. Failing since 1 week.
Additional links previous successfully applied patch (outdated):
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Performance
Created 2024-12-20 04:24:55
Last modified 2025-02-27 00:55:15 (1 month ago)
Latest email 2024-12-20 04:23:35 (3 months ago)
2025-03: Needs review
2025-01: Moved to next CF
Target version 19
Authors Amit Langote (amitlan)
Reviewers Become reviewer
Eliminating SPI / SQL from some RI triggers - take 3
First at 2024-12-20 04:23:35 by Amit Langote <amitlangote09 at gmail.com>
Latest at 2024-12-20 04:23:35 by Amit Langote <amitlangote09 at gmail.com>
Latest attachment (v1-0003-Avoid-using-an-SQL-query-for-some-RI-checks.patch) at 2024-12-20 04:23:35 from Amit Langote <amitlangote09 at gmail.com>
    Attachment (v1-0003-Avoid-using-an-SQL-query-for-some-RI-checks.patch) at 2024-12-20 04:23:35 from Amit Langote <amitlangote09 at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2025-03-17 21:45:35 CFbot Patch needs rebase
2025-02-27 00:55:15 Amit Langote (amitlan) Closed in commitfest 2025-01 with status: Moved to next CF
2025-02-27 00:55:10 Amit Langote (amitlan) Changed targetversion to 19
2024-12-20 04:25:10 Amit Langote (amitlan) Changed authors to Amit Langote (amitlan)
2024-12-20 04:25:10 Amit Langote (amitlan) Changed targetversion to 18
2024-12-20 04:24:55 Amit Langote (amitlan) Attached mail thread CA+HiwqF4C0ws3cO+z5cLkPuvwnAwkSp7sfvgGj3yQ=Li6KNMqA@mail.gmail.com
2024-12-20 04:24:55 Amit Langote (amitlan) Created patch record