[PATCH] reduce page overlap of GiST indexes built using sorted method

ID 3487
Title [PATCH] reduce page overlap of GiST indexes built using sorted method
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Performance
Created 2021-12-30 11:30:49
Last modified 2022-01-09 15:08:21 (3 years, 1 month ago)
Latest email 2022-02-04 00:52:56 (3 years, 1 month ago)
2022-01: Returned with feedback
Target version
Authors Aliaksandr Kalenik (kalenik.aliaksandr.gmail.com)
Reviewers Regina Obe (reginaobe)Become reviewer
[PATCH] reduce page overlap of GiST indexes built using sorted method
First at 2021-12-24 20:19:36 by Aliaksandr Kalenik <akalenik at kontur.io>
Latest at 2022-02-04 00:52:56 by Alexander Korotkov <aekorotkov at gmail.com>
Latest attachment (0001-Reduce-non-leaf-keys-overlap-in-GiST-indexes-prod-v5.patch) at 2022-02-04 00:52:56 from Alexander Korotkov <aekorotkov at gmail.com>
    Attachment (0001-Reduce-non-leaf-keys-overlap-in-GiST-indexes-prod-v5.patch) at 2022-02-04 00:52:56 from Alexander Korotkov <aekorotkov at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (04_reduce_page_overlap_of_gist_indexes_built_using_sorted_method.patch) at 2022-01-26 16:07:00 from "sergei sh." <sshoulbakov at kontur.io> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (03_reduce_page_overlap_of_gist_indexes_built_using_sorted_method.patch) at 2022-01-18 20:26:05 from "sergei sh." <sshoulbakov at kontur.io> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (02_reduce_page_overlap_of_gist_indexes_built_using_sorted_method.patch) at 2022-01-08 19:20:45 from Aliaksandr Kalenik <akalenik at kontur.io> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (reduce_page_overlap_of_gist_indexes_built_using_sorted_method.patch) at 2021-12-24 20:19:36 from Aliaksandr Kalenik <akalenik at kontur.io> (Patch: Yes)


When Who Mail Annotation
2022-01-09 15:07:11 Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) From Aliaksandr Kalenik <akalenik@kontur.io>
at 2021-12-24 20:19:36
this CF is a duplicate of: https://commitfest.postgresql.org/36/3488/
When Who What
2022-01-09 21:28:06 Regina Obe (reginaobe) Added reginaobe as reviewer
2022-01-09 15:08:21 Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) Closed in commitfest 2022-01 with status: Returned with feedback
2022-01-09 15:07:11 Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) Added annotation "this CF is a duplicate of: https://commitfest.postgresql.org/36/3488/" to CAHqSB9jqtS94e9=0vxqQX5dxQA89N95UKyz-=A7Y+_YJt+VW5A@mail.gmail.com
2022-01-09 15:06:36 Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) Changed wikilink to https://commitfest.postgresql.org/36/3488
2022-01-02 02:02:39 Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) Changed authors to Aliaksandr Kalenik (kalenik.aliaksandr.gmail.com)
2021-12-30 11:30:49 Aliaksandr Kalenik (kalenik.aliaksandr.gmail.com) Attached mail thread CAHqSB9jqtS94e9=0vxqQX5dxQA89N95UKyz-=A7Y+_YJt+VW5A@mail.gmail.com
2021-12-30 11:30:49 Aliaksandr Kalenik (kalenik.aliaksandr.gmail.com) Created patch record