uuid generation function in core

ID 2150
Title uuid generation function in core
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Miscellaneous
Created 2019-06-14 08:33:34
Last modified 2019-07-14 12:39:27 (5 years ago)
Latest email 2019-09-02 16:00:25 (5 years ago)
2019-07: Committed
Target version
Authors Peter Eisentraut (petere)
Reviewers Fabien Coelho (calvin)Become reviewer
Committer Peter Eisentraut (petere)
[PATCH] Implement uuid_version()
First at 2019-04-06 11:57:22 by Jose Luis Tallon <jltallon at adv-solutions.net>
Latest at 2019-09-02 16:00:25 by Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at 2ndquadrant.com>
Latest attachment (doc-pgcrypto-gen_random_uuid.v1.patch) at 2019-07-15 02:37:35 from Ian Barwick <ian.barwick at 2ndquadrant.com>
    Attachment (doc-pgcrypto-gen_random_uuid.v1.patch) at 2019-07-15 02:37:35 from Ian Barwick <ian.barwick at 2ndquadrant.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v2-0001-Add-gen_random_uuid-function.patch) at 2019-07-05 09:00:48 from Peter Eisentraut <peter.eisentraut at 2ndquadrant.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (0001-Add-gen_random_uuid-function.patch) at 2019-06-11 08:49:17 from Peter Eisentraut <peter.eisentraut at 2ndquadrant.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (uuid_version-v2.patch) at 2019-04-07 13:38:44 from Jose Luis Tallon <jltallon at adv-solutions.net> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (uuid_version.patch) at 2019-04-06 11:57:22 from Jose Luis Tallon <jltallon at adv-solutions.net> (Patch: Yes)


When Who Mail Annotation
2019-04-07 13:53:51 Jose Luis Tallon (jltallon) From Jose Luis Tallon <jltallon@adv-solutions.net>
at 2019-04-07 13:38:44
Patch v2
2019-06-28 07:33:32 Fabien Coelho (calvin) From Peter Eisentraut <peter.eisentraut@2ndquadrant.com>
at 2019-06-11 11:11:51
duplicate of entry 2084?
When Who What
2019-07-14 12:39:27 Peter Eisentraut (petere) Closed in commitfest 2019-07 with status: Committed
2019-07-14 12:39:27 Peter Eisentraut (petere) Changed committer to petere
2019-07-13 15:05:39 Fabien Coelho (calvin) New status: Ready for Committer
2019-07-13 06:08:48 Fabien Coelho (calvin) New status: Waiting on Author
2019-07-05 09:01:08 Peter Eisentraut (petere) New status: Needs review
2019-06-30 13:50:28 Fabien Coelho (calvin) New status: Waiting on Author
2019-06-28 07:33:33 Fabien Coelho (calvin) Added annotation "duplicate of entry 2084?" to b7158d9d-1cb1-6c74-04ee-a5fc2dca7983@2ndquadrant.com
2019-06-28 07:32:24 Fabien Coelho (calvin) Added calvin as reviewer
2019-06-14 08:33:44 Peter Eisentraut (petere) Changed authors to Peter Eisentraut (petere)
2019-06-14 08:33:34 Peter Eisentraut (petere) Attached mail thread 1baf5fd5-b3aa-d36a-649c-3c2a788515d8@adv-solutions.net
2019-06-14 08:33:34 Peter Eisentraut (petere) Created patch record