local partitioned indexes

ID 1365
Title local partitioned indexes
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Server Features
Created 2017-11-01 01:43:34
Last modified 2018-01-19 14:59:57 (7 years, 1 month ago)
Latest email 2018-01-25 19:24:21 (7 years, 1 month ago)
2018-01: Committed
2017-11: Moved to next CF
Target version
Authors Álvaro Herrera (alvherre)
Reviewers David Rowley (davidrowley), Jaime Casanova (jcasanov), Jesper Pedersen (jpedersen)Become reviewer
Committer Álvaro Herrera (alvherre)
Proposal: Local indexes for partitioned table
First at 2017-03-01 10:53:33 by Maksim Milyutin <m.milyutin at postgrespro.ru>
Latest at 2018-01-25 19:24:21 by Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org>
Latest attachment (0001-Ignore-partitioned-indexes-in-get_relation_info.patch) at 2018-01-24 17:41:34 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org>
    Attachment (0001-Ignore-partitioned-indexes-in-get_relation_info.patch) at 2018-01-24 17:41:34 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (0001-Add-tests-for-pg_dump-fix-minor-bug-discovered-while.patch) at 2018-01-18 21:43:59 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v14-0001-Local-partitioned-indexes.patch) at 2018-01-18 15:56:25 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (v13-0001-Local-partitioned-indexes.patch) at 2018-01-11 18:52:07 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (lpi.v12-delta.patch) at 2018-01-10 15:37:07 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v12-0001-Local-partitioned-indexes.patch) at 2018-01-08 20:54:59 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (v11-0001-Local-partitioned-indexes.patch) at 2018-01-04 14:30:10 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (v10-0001-Local-partitioned-indexes.patch) at 2018-01-04 13:04:59 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (doc-changes.patch) at 2018-01-02 15:44:20 from Jesper Pedersen <jesper.pedersen at redhat.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v9-0001-Local-partitioned-indexes.patch) at 2017-12-29 17:59:30 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (0001-some-fixes-per-Jesper.patch) at 2017-12-22 15:10:23 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v8-0001-Local-partitioned-indexes.patch) at 2017-12-20 21:25:03 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (v7-0001-Fixup-Local-partitioned-indexes-v6.patch) at 2017-12-20 19:49:37 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v6-0001-Allow-indexes-on-partitioned-tables.patch) at 2017-12-20 17:01:58 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v5-0001-Get-rid-of-copy_partition_key.patch) at 2017-11-14 17:49:46 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v4-0001-Simplify-index_-constraint_-create-API.patch) at 2017-11-13 17:55:35 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v3-0001-Fix-summarization-concurrent-with-relation-extens.patch) at 2017-11-13 17:06:46 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v2-0001-Tweak-index_create-index_constraint_create-APIs.patch) at 2017-10-27 17:27:30 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v1-0001-Tweak-index_create-index_constraint_create-APIs.patch) at 2017-10-23 15:12:51 from Alvaro Herrera <alvherre at alvh.no-ip.org> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (local_index_without_new_relkind.patch) at 2017-04-17 14:00:32 from Maksim Milyutin <m.milyutin at postgrespro.ru> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (local_index_v1.patch) at 2017-04-04 16:10:37 from Maksim Milyutin <m.milyutin at postgrespro.ru> (Patch: Yes)


When Who Mail Annotation
2018-01-02 15:42:00 Jesper Pedersen (jpedersen) From Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@alvh.no-ip.org>
at 2017-12-29 17:59:30
Patch: v9
2018-01-11 18:55:25 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) From Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@alvh.no-ip.org>
at 2018-01-11 18:52:07
patch v13
2018-01-18 17:12:49 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) From Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@alvh.no-ip.org>
at 2018-01-18 15:56:25
patch v14
When Who What
2018-01-19 14:59:57 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) Closed in commitfest 2018-01 with status: Committed
2018-01-19 14:59:57 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) Changed committer to alvherre
2018-01-18 17:12:49 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) Added annotation "patch v14" to 20180118155625.npteaei5gdcv6ngl@alvherre.pgsql
2018-01-18 17:12:21 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) New status: Ready for Committer
2018-01-16 03:35:55 David Rowley (davidrowley) New status: Waiting on Author
2018-01-14 20:10:13 Jaime Casanova (jcasanov) Added jcasanov as reviewer
2018-01-11 18:55:43 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) New status: Ready for Committer
2018-01-11 18:55:25 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) Added annotation "patch v13" to 20180111185207.lrde2jlvvhsbyntd@alvherre.pgsql
2018-01-11 11:08:27 David Rowley (davidrowley) New status: Waiting on Author
2018-01-11 11:07:55 David Rowley (davidrowley) Added davidrowley as reviewer
2018-01-04 18:16:59 Jesper Pedersen (jpedersen) New status: Needs review
2018-01-02 15:48:56 Jesper Pedersen (jpedersen) New status: Waiting on Author
2018-01-02 15:42:00 Jesper Pedersen (jpedersen) Added annotation "Patch: v9" to 20171229175930.3aew7lzwd5w6m2x6@alvherre.pgsql
2017-12-29 22:56:14 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) Changed name to local partitioned indexes
2017-12-20 19:38:35 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) New status: Needs review
2017-11-30 04:25:44 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) New status: Waiting on Author
2017-11-30 04:25:36 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Closed in commitfest 2017-11 with status: Moved to next CF
2017-11-14 19:11:40 Jesper Pedersen (jpedersen) Added jpedersen as reviewer
2017-11-01 01:43:46 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) Changed authors to Álvaro Herrera (alvherre)
2017-11-01 01:43:34 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) Attached mail thread c8fe4f6b-ff46-aae0-89e3-e936a35f0cfd@postgrespro.ru
2017-11-01 01:43:34 Álvaro Herrera (alvherre) Created patch record