Commitfest 2019-11

Text Status Target version Author (type to search) Reviewer (type to search)

Status summary: Committed: 35. Moved to next CF: 149. Withdrawn: 4. Rejected: 6. Returned with Feedback: 27. Total: 221.

Closed patches

Patch ID Status Ver CI status Stats Author Reviewers Committer Num cfs Latest mail
Bug Fixes
Allow AddForeignUpdateTargets to add extra target expressions other than columns 1819 Returned with feedback Not processed Etsuro Fujita (efujita), Kyotaro Horiguchi (horiguti) Etsuro Fujita (efujita) 6 5 years ago
Add Change Badges to documentation 2309 Returned with feedback Not processed Corey Huinker (coreyh) Fabien Coelho (calvin) 1 5 years ago
Improve Append/MergeAppend EXPLAIN output when all subplans are pruned. 2102 Returned with feedback Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) 3 5 years ago
Avoiding deadlock errors in CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY 2141 Returned with feedback Not processed Dhruv Goel (goeldhru) Yoshikazu Imai (yimai) 3 5 years ago
Monitoring & Control
Add a reset_computed_values function in pg_stat_statements 2275 Returned with feedback Not processed Pierre Ducroquet (pinaraf) Julien Rouhaud (rjuju), Euler Taveira (eulerto) 2 5 years ago
Tid range scan 1755 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Edmund Horner (ejrh) David Rowley (davidrowley), Shawn Wang (shawnwang) David Rowley (davidrowley) 7 4 years ago
Convert NOT IN to anti-joins when possible 2020 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed David Rowley (davidrowley) Antonin Houska (a.houska) 4 5 years ago
Bloom index cost model 2043 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Jeff Janes (jjanes) Julien Rouhaud (rjuju) 4 5 years ago
accounting for memory used for BufFile during hash joins 2109 Returned with feedback Not processed Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) Melanie Plageman (melanieplageman) 3 5 years ago
Write visibility map during CLUSTER/VACUUM FULL 2273 Returned with feedback Not processed Alexander Korotkov (smagen) Shawn Wang (shawnwang), Anna Akenteva (a.akenteva) 2 2 years ago
Remove size limitations of vacuums dead_tuples array 2302 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Ants Aasma (ants) 1 5 years ago
share string to *int64 functions, take two 2272 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Michael Paquier (michael-kun), Fabien Coelho (calvin) 2 5 years ago
Replication & Recovery
Restricting maximum keep segments by repslots 1260 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Kyotaro Horiguchi (horiguti) Masahiko Sawada (masahikosawada), Greg Stark (stark), Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais (ioguix) 12 4 years ago
pg_basebackup to adjust existing data directory permissions 2018 Returned with feedback Not processed Haribabu Kommi (haribabu) Martín Marqués (mmarques) 4 5 years ago
Add a GUC variable that control logical replication 2296 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Zongliang Quan (quanzl) Peter Eisentraut (petere) 1 5 years ago
Server Features
BRIN bloom and multi-minmax indexes 1348 Returned with feedback Not processed Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) 11 4 years ago
Undo logs 1649 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Dilip Kumar (dilip.kumar), Thomas Munro (macdice) Amit Kapila (amitkapila) 8 5 years ago
amcheck verification for GiST 1800 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Andrey Borodin (x4m) Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) 6 5 years ago
Cleaning up orphaned files using undo logs 1863 Returned with feedback Not processed Thomas Munro (macdice) 5 3 years ago
Data at rest encryption 2104 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Antonin Houska (a.houska), Ants Aasma (antsaasma) Shawn Wang (shawnwang) 3 5 years ago
Opclass parameters 2183 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Nikita Glukhov (n.glukhov) 3 4 years ago
Hooks for session start and end, take two 2251 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Fabrízio Mello (fabriziomello) Michael Paquier (michael-kun) 2 5 years ago
Startup Centralization 2259 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Mike Palmiotto (mpalmiotto), Yulian Khodorkovskiy (ykhodo) Mike Palmiotto (mpalmiotto) 2 4 years ago
Make list of reportable GUC's configurable 2314 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Dave Cramer (dcramer) 1 5 years ago
SQL Commands
abs function for interval 2345 Returned with feedback 13 Not processed Euler Taveira (eulerto) 1 5 years ago
System Administration
Windows Service status is set to "SERVICE_RUNNING" when timeout is occurred (version 9.6 or earlier). 1970 Returned with feedback Not processed daisuke higuchi (daisukehiguchi), Ramanarayana M (ramnar) Takayuki Tsunakawa (maumau) 4 5 years ago
New GUC prepared_statement_limit to limit memory used by prepared statements 2241 Returned with feedback Not processed Daniel Migowski (dmigowski) Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) 2 5 years ago