2019-03-25 17:05:12 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Closed in commitfest 2019-03 with status: Committed |
2019-03-25 17:05:12 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Changed committer to pgeoghegan |
2019-03-18 23:13:52 |
Peter Eisentraut (petere) |
Removed petere from reviewers |
2019-03-04 21:20:53 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v14 of the patch, which makes some additional changes to how a split point is chosen based on recent feedback from Heikki" to CAH2-Wz=Dhkbguk31kCgs62Uj6cqsQn3GA3SYBDp-FWidKncwYA@mail.gmail.com |
2019-02-26 04:34:39 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v13 of the patch, which takes a "top down" approach to page splits involving materializing all legal splits up front, per suggestion from Heikki" to CAH2-Wzn3g7TyaU7C40heNM9fEaDAezECM0RC3e_MC+8CW7tk4g@mail.gmail.com |
2019-02-21 02:22:01 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Removed pgeoghegan from reviewers |
2019-02-21 02:21:57 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added pgeoghegan as reviewer |
2019-02-14 20:26:49 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "TPC-C style benchmark result that demonstrates the effectiveness of the patch at controlling index bloat, and its positive impact on performance in general" to CAH2-WzmsK-1qVR8xC86DXv8U0cHwfPcuH6hhA740fCeEu3XsVg@mail.gmail.com |
2019-02-11 20:58:59 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v12 of the patch, which tweaks the "cache binary search" mechanism used by unique index insertions, and improves test coverage" to CAH2-Wz=yTWnVu+HeHGKb2AGiADL9eprn-cKYAto4MkKOuiGtRQ@mail.gmail.com |
2019-02-11 20:56:35 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
New status: Needs review |
2019-02-07 21:20:19 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
New status: Waiting on Author |
2019-02-07 21:19:44 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Changed reviewers to Heikki Linnakangas (heikki), Peter Eisentraut (petere), Andrey Lepikhov (lepikhov) |
2019-02-07 21:19:44 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Changed targetversion to 12 |
2019-02-04 05:24:20 |
Michael Paquier (michael-kun) |
Closed in commitfest 2019-01 with status: Moved to next CF |
2019-01-24 01:48:27 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v11 of the patch, which entirely avoids buffer locking metapage and system catalog index pages in new and possibly risky ways" to CAH2-Wzmr=kobQx11s7UvqjYVx9Y49GhPpVxL7C8S36ayTUqVWQ@mail.gmail.com |
2019-01-09 00:50:41 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
New status: Needs review |
2019-01-09 00:50:09 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v10 of the patch, which does some minor refactoring requested by Heikki" to CAH2-Wzm_nBWnbO8wG+zvHHF2QA9j=BOByXZcmhPK1PBii859Kg@mail.gmail.com |
2019-01-04 09:41:41 |
Peter Eisentraut (petere) |
New status: Waiting on Author |
2018-12-04 03:15:34 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v9 of the patch, which fixes the Windows build" to CAH2-Wz=apbKyaFhEfRN3UK_yXZ8DSE4Ybr0A3D87=4JWyy1QPA@mail.gmail.com |
2018-12-01 12:09:47 |
Dmitry Dolgov (erthalion) |
Closed in commitfest 2018-11 with status: Moved to next CF |
2018-11-24 23:17:33 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v8 of the patch, which properly addresses pg_depend-related test instability" to CAH2-WznXpL_1ybkNNj-29V6Jrd_p0KBpj2AN=xahBDiNaU1Kfg@mail.gmail.com |
2018-11-13 01:50:01 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v7 of the patch, which adds pg_upgrade support, and sorts heap TIDs in ASC order" to CAH2-WzkOmUduME31QnuTFpimejuQoiZ-HOf0pOWeFZNhTMctvA@mail.gmail.com |
2018-11-02 09:03:06 |
Andrei Lepikhov (lepikhov) |
Added lepikhov as reviewer |
2018-10-03 23:52:00 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v6 of the patch, which greatly helps with TPC-C index bloat, and fixes a significant regression against master with unique indexes" to CAH2-WzkpKeZJrXvR_p7VSY1b-s85E3gHyTbZQzR0BkJ5LrWF_A@mail.gmail.com |
2018-10-02 04:40:13 |
Michael Paquier (michael-kun) |
Closed in commitfest 2018-09 with status: Moved to next CF |
2018-09-20 23:23:25 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Attached mail thread CAH2-WzmjgBz-RL2-nyPc+NRZnU73YSLGEwZRyB2DhUQEdkEujg@mail.gmail.com |
2018-09-19 18:29:37 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v5 of the patch, which greatly simplifies the logic to make picking a split point care about the needs of suffix truncation" to CAH2-WzkfK=JVHjkd17TLDvsFb6psduTt5WYiT8dg+-UFc+rSSQ@mail.gmail.com |
2018-09-12 18:12:55 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v4 of the patch, which has the logic for picking a split point consider suffix truncation specifically" to CAH2-WzmmoLNQOj9mAD78iQHfWLJDszHEDrAzGTUMG3mVh5xWPw@mail.gmail.com |
2018-09-07 10:08:12 |
Peter Eisentraut (petere) |
Added petere as reviewer |
2018-09-02 23:31:06 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "Motivating example. Master branch churn with many duplicates fails to recycle space. Patch is shown to fix the problem, leaving much smaller index." to CAH2-Wzmf0fvVhU+SSZpGW4Qe9t--j_DmXdX3it5JcdB8FF2EsA@mail.gmail.com |
2018-09-02 23:27:01 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Attached mail thread CAH2-Wzmf0fvVhU+SSZpGW4Qe9t--j_DmXdX3it5JcdB8FF2EsA@mail.gmail.com |
2018-08-31 16:29:57 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Added annotation "v3 of patch, plus benchmark information" to CAH2-WzkmTRXh=zyMAUHyG3=O-QQip6CJc2VyNijRO-vzgPxmoQ@mail.gmail.com |
2018-08-31 16:28:08 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Changed authors to Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
2018-08-31 16:27:31 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Attached mail thread CAH2-WzkVb0Kom=R+88fDFb=JSxZMFvbHVC6Mn9LJ2n=X=kS-Uw@mail.gmail.com |
2018-08-31 16:27:31 |
Peter Geoghegan (pgeoghegan) |
Created patch record |