ID 676
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic SQL Commands
Created 2016-07-17 06:37:16
Last modified 2016-12-15 09:29:21 (8 years, 2 months ago)
Latest email 2016-12-06 14:30:19 (8 years, 3 months ago)
2017-01: Returned with feedback
2016-11: Moved to next CF
2016-09: Moved to next CF
Target version
Authors Pavel Stehule (okbobcz)
Reviewers KaiGai Kohei (kaigai)Become reviewer
raw output from copy
First at 2015-04-09 18:48:35 by Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com>
Latest at 2016-12-06 14:30:19 by Kohei KaiGai <kaigai at kaigai.gr.jp>
Latest attachment (copy-raw-2016-07-16.patch) at 2016-07-16 08:55:01 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com>
    Attachment (copy-raw-2016-07-16.patch) at 2016-07-16 08:55:01 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (copy-raw_text_binary-01.patch) at 2016-04-05 08:45:48 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (copy-raw-format-20160331-04.patch) at 2016-03-31 06:12:24 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (raw_test.sql) at 2016-03-09 17:41:17 from Corey Huinker <corey.huinker at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (copy-raw-format-20160227-03.patch) at 2016-02-27 07:26:19 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (copy-raw-format-20150707-02.patch) at 2015-07-07 06:32:30 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (copy-raw-format-20150706-01.patch) at 2015-07-06 21:34:20 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (copy-raw.patch) at 2015-04-10 21:26:25 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)


When Who Mail Annotation
2016-03-18 15:32:06 David Steele (dsteele) From Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com>
at 2016-03-12 06:24:49
This thread was a duplicate of https://commitfest.postgresql.org/9/223
When Who What
2016-12-15 09:29:21 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Closed in commitfest 2017-01 with status: Returned with feedback
2016-12-05 05:02:05 Haribabu Kommi (haribabu) New status: Waiting on Author
2016-12-05 05:01:43 Haribabu Kommi (haribabu) Closed in commitfest 2016-11 with status: Moved to next CF
2016-10-03 04:31:47 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Closed in commitfest 2016-09 with status: Moved to next CF
2016-08-31 08:06:53 KaiGai Kohei (kaigai) Added kaigai as reviewer
2016-07-17 06:37:31 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Changed authors to Pavel Stehule (okbobcz)
2016-07-17 06:37:16 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Attached mail thread CAFj8pRAfer+ip3JCMTnvzra2QK7W9hk0hw1YqE8++PZA1OqSJw@mail.gmail.com
2016-07-17 06:37:16 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Created patch record