enhanced custom error in PLPythonu

ID 525
Title enhanced custom error in PLPythonu
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Procedural Languages
Created 2016-02-17 05:04:36
Last modified 2016-04-08 15:39:06 (8 years ago)
Latest email 2016-04-09 20:45:37 (8 years ago)
2016-03: Committed
Target version
Authors Pavel Stehule (okbobcz)
Reviewers Catalin Iacob (cataliniacob)Become reviewer
Committer Fedor Sigaev (sigaev)
proposal: PL/Pythonu - function ereport
First at 2015-10-08 10:11:07 by Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com>
Latest at 2016-04-09 20:45:37 by Tom Lane <tgl at sss.pgh.pa.us>
Latest attachment (fix-regress-tests.patch) at 2016-04-09 20:37:42 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com>
    Attachment (fix-regress-tests.patch) at 2016-04-09 20:37:42 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-06.patch) at 2016-03-01 08:06:37 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (0001-Comment-improvements.patch) at 2016-02-29 16:42:19 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-05.patch) at 2016-02-26 07:34:49 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (0001-Doc-improvements.patch) at 2016-02-25 06:06:06 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-04.patch) at 2016-02-19 20:41:39 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-03.patch) at 2016-02-17 14:32:22 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-02.patch.gz) at 2016-02-16 21:58:51 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-01.patch) at 2016-02-13 15:26:30 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (incompat.py) at 2016-02-04 09:13:55 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (0003-Improve-docs.patch) at 2016-02-02 06:30:24 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (0002-use-plpy.Error-to-hold-the-data-not-plpy.SPIError.patch) at 2016-01-29 17:09:19 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-raise-functions-01.patch) at 2016-01-26 16:42:26 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-11.patch) at 2015-12-31 10:37:59 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-10.patch) at 2015-12-01 01:17:51 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-09.patch) at 2015-11-29 08:18:58 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-08.patch) at 2015-11-09 17:31:18 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (adjust_py24_expected.patch) at 2015-11-09 15:46:00 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-07.patch) at 2015-11-09 13:58:18 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-06.patch) at 2015-11-07 18:03:14 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (adjust_py35_expected.patch) at 2015-11-05 06:24:45 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-05.patch) at 2015-11-04 09:12:18 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-04.patch) at 2015-11-03 11:49:15 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-03.patch) at 2015-10-29 19:24:52 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-02.patch) at 2015-10-17 18:18:23 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params.patch) at 2015-10-16 19:42:15 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpython-ereport.patch) at 2015-10-08 18:53:58 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2016-04-08 15:39:06 Fedor Sigaev (sigaev) Closed in commitfest 2016-03 with status: Committed
2016-04-08 15:39:06 Fedor Sigaev (sigaev) Changed committer to sigaev
2016-03-01 17:48:43 Catalin Iacob (cataliniacob) New status: Ready for Committer
2016-02-25 06:07:21 Catalin Iacob (cataliniacob) New status: Waiting on Author
2016-02-17 15:57:25 Catalin Iacob (cataliniacob) Added cataliniacob as reviewer
2016-02-17 05:04:58 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Changed authors to Pavel Stehule (okbobcz)
2016-02-17 05:04:36 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Attached mail thread CAFj8pRCHfN-JXktA47Gnj6epKC05eGES9tBK-z3PoMp1FMKHmw@mail.gmail.com
2016-02-17 05:04:36 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Created patch record