[BUG #17888] Incorrect memory access in gist__int_ops for an input array with many elements

ID 4280
Title [BUG #17888] Incorrect memory access in gist__int_ops for an input array with many elements
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Bug Fixes
Created 2023-04-14 14:36:07
Last modified 2023-06-15 08:17:42 (1 year, 8 months ago)
Latest email 2023-06-15 10:00:00 (1 year, 8 months ago)
2023-07: Committed
Target version
Authors Ankit Kumar Pandey (ankitkpandey)
Reviewers Become reviewer
Committer Michael Paquier (michael-kun)
BUG #17888: Incorrect memory access in gist__int_ops for an input array with many elements
First at 2023-04-06 09:00:01 by PG Bug reporting form <noreply at postgresql.org>
Latest at 2023-06-15 10:00:00 by Alexander Lakhin <exclusion at gmail.com>
Latest attachment (v2-01-gist-int-ops-overflow.patch) at 2023-05-31 06:00:00 from Alexander Lakhin <exclusion at gmail.com>
    Attachment (v2-01-gist-int-ops-overflow.patch) at 2023-05-31 06:00:00 from Alexander Lakhin <exclusion at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
[BUG #17888] Incorrect memory access in gist__int_ops for an input array with many elements
First at 2023-04-11 15:49:12 by Ankit Kumar Pandey <itsankitkp at gmail.com>
Latest at 2023-04-12 11:48:08 by David Rowley <dgrowleyml at gmail.com>
Latest attachment (v1-gist-int-ops-overflow.patch) at 2023-04-11 15:49:12 from Ankit Kumar Pandey <itsankitkp at gmail.com>
    Attachment (v1-gist-int-ops-overflow.patch) at 2023-04-11 15:49:12 from Ankit Kumar Pandey <itsankitkp at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2023-06-15 08:17:42 Alexander Lakhin (law) Closed in commitfest 2023-07 with status: Committed
2023-06-15 08:17:42 Alexander Lakhin (law) Changed committer to michael-kun
2023-06-11 18:53:09 Alexander Lakhin (law) Attached mail thread 17888-f72930e6b5ce8c14@postgresql.org
2023-04-14 14:36:43 Ankit Kumar Pandey (ankitkpandey) Changed authors to Ankit Kumar Pandey (ankitkpandey)
2023-04-14 14:36:07 Ankit Kumar Pandey (ankitkpandey) Attached mail thread 796b65c3-57b7-bddf-b0d5-a8afafb8b627@gmail.com
2023-04-14 14:36:07 Ankit Kumar Pandey (ankitkpandey) Created patch record