pgbench - adding pl/pgsql versions of tests

ID 4105
Title pgbench - adding pl/pgsql versions of tests
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Miscellaneous
Created 2023-01-05 00:23:10
Last modified 2024-02-01 18:32:55 (1 year ago)
Latest email 2024-02-01 18:32:59 (1 year ago)
2024-01: Returned with feedback
2023-11: Moved to next CF
2023-09: Moved to next CF
2023-07: Moved to next CF
2023-03: Moved to next CF
Target version
Authors Hannu Krosing (hannukrosing)
Reviewers Fabien Coelho (calvin), Yugo Nagata (yugo.nagata), Nathan Bossart (bossartn)Become reviewer
pgbench - adding pl/pgsql versions of tests
First at 2023-01-04 18:06:44 by Hannu Krosing <hannuk at>
Latest at 2024-02-01 18:32:59 by vignesh C <vignesh21 at>
Latest attachment (pgbench-plpgsql-001.patch) at 2023-01-04 18:06:44 from Hannu Krosing <hannuk at>
    Attachment (pgbench-plpgsql-001.patch) at 2023-01-04 18:06:44 from Hannu Krosing <hannuk at> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2024-02-01 18:32:55 vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) Closed in commitfest 2024-01 with status: Returned with feedback
2023-12-04 09:03:53 John Naylor (john.naylor) Closed in commitfest 2023-11 with status: Moved to next CF
2023-10-02 10:55:31 Peter Eisentraut (petere) Closed in commitfest 2023-09 with status: Moved to next CF
2023-08-14 15:07:44 Nathan Bossart (bossartn) New status: Waiting on Author
2023-08-14 15:07:41 Nathan Bossart (bossartn) Added bossartn as reviewer
2023-08-05 18:21:33 Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) Closed in commitfest 2023-07 with status: Moved to next CF
2023-07-07 06:29:52 Fabien Coelho (calvin) Added calvin as reviewer
2023-06-05 08:37:36 Yugo Nagata (yugo.nagata) Added yugo.nagata as reviewer
2023-04-09 03:19:51 Greg Stark (stark) Changed targetversion to None
2023-04-09 01:47:35 Greg Stark (stark) Closed in commitfest 2023-03 with status: Moved to next CF
2023-03-24 22:17:33 Cary Huang (cary) Posted review with messageid <>
2023-01-05 00:24:48 Hannu Krosing (hannukrosing) Changed authors to Hannu Krosing (hannukrosing)
2023-01-05 00:24:48 Hannu Krosing (hannukrosing) Changed targetversion to 16
2023-01-05 00:23:10 Hannu Krosing (hannukrosing) Attached mail thread
2023-01-05 00:23:10 Hannu Krosing (hannukrosing) Created patch record