Operation log for major operations

ID 4018
Title Operation log for major operations
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Monitoring & Control
Created 2022-11-21 08:45:15
Last modified 2023-03-06 15:38:05 (2 years ago)
Latest email 2023-03-13 21:36:14 (2 years ago)
2023-03: Withdrawn
2023-01: Moved to next CF
Target version 16
Authors Dmitry Koval (d.koval)
Reviewers David Christensen (davidchristensen)Become reviewer
Operation log for major operations
First at 2022-11-21 08:41:22 by Dmitry Koval <d.koval at postgrespro.ru>
Latest at 2023-03-13 21:36:14 by Dmitry Koval <d.koval at postgrespro.ru>
Latest attachment (v5-0001-Operation-log.patch) at 2023-01-20 09:19:23 from Dmitry Koval <d.koval at postgrespro.ru>
    Attachment (v5-0001-Operation-log.patch) at 2023-01-20 09:19:23 from Dmitry Koval <d.koval at postgrespro.ru> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v4-0001-Operation-log.patch) at 2023-01-19 21:11:58 from Dmitry Koval <d.koval at postgrespro.ru> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v3-0001-Operation-log.patch) at 2023-01-14 10:17:07 from Dmitry Koval <d.koval at postgrespro.ru> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (Operation-log.txt) at 2022-12-05 08:11:51 from Dmitry Koval <d.koval at postgrespro.ru> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (Operation-log.txt) at 2022-11-21 08:41:22 from Dmitry Koval <d.koval at postgrespro.ru> (Patch: No)
When Who What
2023-03-06 15:38:05 Stephen Frost (sfrost) Changed reviewers to David Christensen (davidchristensen)
2023-03-02 18:02:35 Dmitry Koval (d.koval) Closed in commitfest 2023-03 with status: Withdrawn
2023-03-01 20:59:27 Greg Stark (stark) New status: Waiting on Author
2023-01-31 16:14:31 vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) Closed in commitfest 2023-01 with status: Moved to next CF
2023-01-06 19:45:10 David Christensen (dwc-pgguru) Added dwc-pgguru as reviewer
2022-11-21 08:45:58 Dmitry Koval (d.koval) Changed authors to Dmitry Koval (d.koval)
2022-11-21 08:45:58 Dmitry Koval (d.koval) Changed targetversion to 16
2022-11-21 08:45:15 Dmitry Koval (d.koval) Attached mail thread 02fe0063-bf77-90d0-3cf5-e9fe7c2a487b@postgrespro.ru
2022-11-21 08:45:15 Dmitry Koval (d.koval) Created patch record