Warn if initdb's --sync-only option is mixed with other options

ID 3239
Title Warn if initdb's --sync-only option is mixed with other options
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic System Administration
Created 2021-07-07 02:26:23
Last modified 2021-10-01 11:22:32 (3 years ago)
Latest email 2021-10-01 11:22:04 (3 years ago)
2021-09: Returned with feedback
Target version
Authors Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet)
Reviewers Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson)Become reviewer
Warn if initdb's --sync-only option is mixed with other options
First at 2021-07-07 02:23:54 by Gurjeet Singh <gurjeet at singh.im>
Latest at 2021-10-01 11:22:04 by Daniel Gustafsson <daniel at yesql.se>
Latest attachment (v1-0001-Warn-if-sync-only-is-used-with-other-options.patch) at 2021-07-07 02:23:54 from Gurjeet Singh <gurjeet at singh.im>
    Attachment (v1-0001-Warn-if-sync-only-is-used-with-other-options.patch) at 2021-07-07 02:23:54 from Gurjeet Singh <gurjeet at singh.im> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2021-10-01 11:22:32 Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) Closed in commitfest 2021-09 with status: Returned with feedback
2021-07-26 08:26:13 Kamalpriya Bharath (kambhara.visa.com) Removed kambhara.visa.com from reviewers
2021-07-26 08:25:59 Kamalpriya Bharath (kambhara.visa.com) Added kambhara.visa.com as reviewer
2021-07-07 20:49:18 Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) Added d_gustafsson as reviewer
2021-07-07 02:26:41 Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet) Changed authors to Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet)
2021-07-07 02:26:23 Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet) Attached mail thread CABwTF4VJW1m4Vg5NzMcfbhWUfs4Vz0yZdF1xseJ_QhE-J-O8MA@mail.gmail.com
2021-07-07 02:26:23 Gurjeet Singh (gurjeet) Created patch record