VACUUM memory management

ID 2374
Title VACUUM memory management
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Miscellaneous
Created 2019-12-10 08:36:42
Last modified 2020-07-02 02:43:41 (4 years, 8 months ago)
Latest email 2020-04-05 20:26:25 (4 years, 11 months ago)
2020-07: Returned with feedback
2020-03: Moved to next CF
2020-01: Moved to next CF
Target version
Authors Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar)
Reviewers Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby), Abbas Butt (abbas.butt), Kirk Jamison (kirkjamison)Become reviewer
VACUUM memory management
First at 2019-12-09 18:30:20 by Ibrar Ahmed <ibrar.ahmad at>
Latest at 2020-04-05 20:26:25 by Justin Pryzby <pryzby at>
Latest attachment (vacuum_dyn_mem_ibrar_v3.patch) at 2020-04-03 16:04:34 from Ibrar Ahmed <ibrar.ahmad at>
    Attachment (vacuum_dyn_mem_ibrar_v3.patch) at 2020-04-03 16:04:34 from Ibrar Ahmed <ibrar.ahmad at> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (vacuum_dyn_mem_ibrar_v2.patch) at 2019-12-12 19:13:27 from Ibrar Ahmed <ibrar.ahmad at> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (vacuum_dyn_mem_ibrar_v1.patch) at 2019-12-09 18:30:20 from Ibrar Ahmed <ibrar.ahmad at> (Patch: Yes)


When Who Mail Annotation
2019-12-12 19:16:09 Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) From Ibrar Ahmed <>
at 2019-12-12 19:13:27
New patch with test case and with minor modification.
When Who What
2020-07-02 02:43:41 Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) Closed in commitfest 2020-07 with status: Returned with feedback
2020-04-05 00:24:45 Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) Added justinpryzby as reviewer
2020-04-05 00:24:40 Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) Changed targetversion to None
2020-04-05 00:24:28 Justin Pryzby (justinpryzby) New status: Waiting on Author
2020-04-03 16:06:45 Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) Closed in commitfest 2020-03 with status: Moved to next CF
2020-04-03 16:05:54 Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) New status: Needs review
2020-03-16 13:35:08 David Steele (dsteele) Closed in commitfest 2020-03 with status: Returned with feedback
2020-02-29 16:46:00 Vinicius Santos (vincpm) Removed vincpm from reviewers
2020-02-29 16:45:53 Vinicius Santos (vincpm) Added vincpm as reviewer
2020-02-01 11:24:50 Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) New status: Waiting on Author
2020-02-01 11:24:45 Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) Closed in commitfest 2020-01 with status: Moved to next CF
2020-02-01 11:24:41 Tomas Vondra (fuzzycz) New status: Needs review
2020-01-22 06:35:11 Kirk Jamison (kirkjamison) New status: Waiting on Author
2020-01-22 06:35:07 Kirk Jamison (kirkjamison) Added kirkjamison as reviewer
2020-01-17 12:33:20 Hamid Akhtar (hamidakhtar) Removed hamidakhtar from reviewers
2019-12-12 19:19:45 Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) Changed targetversion to 13
2019-12-12 19:16:09 Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) Added annotation "New patch with test case and with minor modification. " to
2019-12-12 13:12:51 Abbas Butt (abbas.butt) Added abbas.butt as reviewer
2019-12-10 08:58:10 Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) Changed authors to Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar)
2019-12-10 08:57:43 Hamid Akhtar (hamidakhtar) Added hamidakhtar as reviewer
2019-12-10 08:36:42 Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) Attached mail thread
2019-12-10 08:36:42 Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar) Created patch record