Logical Replication Fast-Forward and Slot Advance

ID 1459
Title Logical Replication Fast-Forward and Slot Advance
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Replication & Recovery
Created 2017-12-31 10:44:55
Last modified 2018-01-17 11:45:58 (7 years ago)
Latest email 2018-01-18 16:43:39 (7 years ago)
2018-01: Committed
Target version
Authors Petr Jelínek (pjmodos)
Reviewers Simon Riggs (simon)Become reviewer
Committer Simon Riggs (simon)
Logical decoding fast-forward and slot advance
First at 2017-12-31 10:44:04 by Petr Jelinek <petr.jelinek at 2ndquadrant.com>
Latest at 2018-01-18 16:43:39 by Simon Riggs <simon at 2ndquadrant.com>
Latest attachment (v2-0001-Add-pg_replication_slot_advance-function.patch) at 2018-01-14 23:15:58 from Petr Jelinek <petr.jelinek at 2ndquadrant.com>
    Attachment (v2-0001-Add-pg_replication_slot_advance-function.patch) at 2018-01-14 23:15:58 from Petr Jelinek <petr.jelinek at 2ndquadrant.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (0001-Add-pg_replication_slot_advance-function.patch) at 2017-12-31 10:44:04 from Petr Jelinek <petr.jelinek at 2ndquadrant.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2018-01-17 11:45:58 Simon Riggs (simon) Closed in commitfest 2018-01 with status: Committed
2018-01-15 11:21:09 Simon Riggs (simon) New status: Ready for Committer
2018-01-15 11:21:05 Simon Riggs (simon) Added simon as committer
2018-01-08 07:02:12 Simon Riggs (simon) Added simon as reviewer
2017-12-31 10:45:06 Petr Jelínek (pjmodos) Changed authors to Petr Jelínek (pjmodos)
2017-12-31 10:44:55 Petr Jelínek (pjmodos) Attached mail thread 5c26ff40-8452-fb13-1bea-56a0338a809a@2ndquadrant.com
2017-12-31 10:44:55 Petr Jelínek (pjmodos) Created patch record