[BUGS] BUG #14890: Error grouping by same column twice using FDW

ID 1454
Title [BUGS] BUG #14890: Error grouping by same column twice using FDW
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Bug Fixes
Created 2017-12-30 07:01:48
Last modified 2018-01-12 21:53:14 (7 years, 2 months ago)
Latest email 2018-01-12 21:55:17 (7 years, 2 months ago)
2018-01: Committed
Target version
Authors Jeevan Chalke (jeevan.chalke)
Reviewers Ashutosh Bapat (ashutoshbapat)Become reviewer
Committer Tom Lane (tgl)
BUG #14890: Error grouping by same column twice using FDW
First at 2017-11-07 13:49:48 by sean.johnston at edgeintelligence.com
Latest at 2018-01-12 21:55:17 by Tom Lane <tgl at sss.pgh.pa.us>
Latest attachment (fix_multiple_sortgroupref_labels_v2.patch) at 2017-11-15 09:06:43 from Jeevan Chalke <jeevan.chalke at enterprisedb.com>
    Attachment (fix_multiple_sortgroupref_labels_v2.patch) at 2017-11-15 09:06:43 from Jeevan Chalke <jeevan.chalke at enterprisedb.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (fix_multiple_sortgroupref_labels.patch) at 2017-11-09 11:59:12 from Jeevan Chalke <jeevan.chalke at enterprisedb.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2018-01-12 21:53:14 Tom Lane (tgl) Closed in commitfest 2018-01 with status: Committed
2018-01-12 20:54:02 Tom Lane (tgl) Added tgl as committer
2018-01-11 11:03:51 Ashutosh Bapat (ashutoshbapat) New status: Ready for Committer
2017-12-30 07:02:40 Jeevan Chalke (jeevan.chalke) Changed authors to Jeevan Chalke (jeevan.chalke)
2017-12-30 07:02:40 Jeevan Chalke (jeevan.chalke) Changed reviewers to Ashutosh Bapat (ashutoshbapat)
2017-12-30 07:01:48 Jeevan Chalke (jeevan.chalke) Attached mail thread 20171107134948.1508.94783@wrigleys.postgresql.org
2017-12-30 07:01:48 Jeevan Chalke (jeevan.chalke) Created patch record