enhanced custom error in PLPythonu

ID 525
Title enhanced custom error in PLPythonu
Topic Procedural Languages
Created 2016-02-17 05:04:36
Last modified 2016-04-08 15:39:06 (8 years, 10 months ago)
Latest email 2016-04-09 20:45:37 (8 years, 9 months ago)
2016-03: Committed
Target version
Authors Pavel Stehule (okbobcz)
Reviewers Catalin Iacob (cataliniacob)Become reviewer
Committer Fedor Sigaev (sigaev)
Links CFbot results (CirrusCI) CFbot GitHub
Checkout latest CFbot patchset Go to your local checkout of the PostgreSQL repository and run:
git remote add commitfest https://github.com/postgresql-cfbot/postgresql.git
git fetch commitfest cf/525
git checkout commitfest/cf/525
proposal: PL/Pythonu - function ereport
First at 2015-10-08 10:11:07 by Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com>
Latest at 2016-04-09 20:45:37 by Tom Lane <tgl at sss.pgh.pa.us>
Latest attachment (fix-regress-tests.patch) at 2016-04-09 20:37:42 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com>
    Attachment (fix-regress-tests.patch) at 2016-04-09 20:37:42 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-06.patch) at 2016-03-01 08:06:37 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (0001-Comment-improvements.patch) at 2016-02-29 16:42:19 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-05.patch) at 2016-02-26 07:34:49 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (0001-Doc-improvements.patch) at 2016-02-25 06:06:06 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-04.patch) at 2016-02-19 20:41:39 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-03.patch) at 2016-02-17 14:32:22 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-02.patch.gz) at 2016-02-16 21:58:51 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (plpython-enhanced-error-01.patch) at 2016-02-13 15:26:30 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (incompat.py) at 2016-02-04 09:13:55 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: No)
    Attachment (0003-Improve-docs.patch) at 2016-02-02 06:30:24 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (0002-use-plpy.Error-to-hold-the-data-not-plpy.SPIError.patch) at 2016-01-29 17:09:19 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-raise-functions-01.patch) at 2016-01-26 16:42:26 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-11.patch) at 2015-12-31 10:37:59 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-10.patch) at 2015-12-01 01:17:51 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-09.patch) at 2015-11-29 08:18:58 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-08.patch) at 2015-11-09 17:31:18 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (adjust_py24_expected.patch) at 2015-11-09 15:46:00 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-07.patch) at 2015-11-09 13:58:18 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-06.patch) at 2015-11-07 18:03:14 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (adjust_py35_expected.patch) at 2015-11-05 06:24:45 from Catalin Iacob <iacobcatalin at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-05.patch) at 2015-11-04 09:12:18 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-04.patch) at 2015-11-03 11:49:15 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-03.patch) at 2015-10-29 19:24:52 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params-02.patch) at 2015-10-17 18:18:23 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpythonu-spierror-keyword-params.patch) at 2015-10-16 19:42:15 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (plpython-ereport.patch) at 2015-10-08 18:53:58 from Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2016-04-08 15:39:06 Fedor Sigaev (sigaev) Closed in commitfest 2016-03 with status: Committed
2016-04-08 15:39:06 Fedor Sigaev (sigaev) Changed committer to sigaev
2016-03-01 17:48:43 Catalin Iacob (cataliniacob) New status: Ready for Committer
2016-02-25 06:07:21 Catalin Iacob (cataliniacob) New status: Waiting on Author
2016-02-17 15:57:25 Catalin Iacob (cataliniacob) Added cataliniacob as reviewer
2016-02-17 05:04:58 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Changed authors to Pavel Stehule (okbobcz)
2016-02-17 05:04:36 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Attached mail thread CAFj8pRCHfN-JXktA47Gnj6epKC05eGES9tBK-z3PoMp1FMKHmw@mail.gmail.com
2016-02-17 05:04:36 Pavel Stehule (okbobcz) Created patch record