Avoid Copying WAL Segments Before Divergence to Speed Up pg_rewind

ID 3800
Title Avoid Copying WAL Segments Before Divergence to Speed Up pg_rewind
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Replication & Recovery
Created 2022-08-05 17:35:54
Last modified 2022-11-30 07:03:37 (2 years, 3 months ago)
Latest email 2022-11-30 07:03:29 (2 years, 3 months ago)
2022-11: Returned with feedback
2022-09: Moved to next CF
Target version 16
Authors vignesh ravichandran (vigneshravichandran), Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com)
Reviewers Heikki Linnakangas (heikki), Michael Paquier (michael-kun)Become reviewer
Making pg_rewind faster
First at 2022-06-30 13:22:28 by vignesh ravichandran <admin at viggy28.dev>
Latest at 2022-11-30 07:03:29 by Michael Paquier <michael at paquier.xyz>
Latest attachment (v3-0001-Avoid-copying-WAL-segments-before-divergence-to-s.patch) at 2022-10-02 17:44:25 from Andres Freund <andres at anarazel.de>
    Attachment (v3-0001-Avoid-copying-WAL-segments-before-divergence-to-s.patch) at 2022-10-02 17:44:25 from Andres Freund <andres at anarazel.de> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v2-pg16-0001-Avoid-copying-WAL-segments-before-divergence-to-spee.patch) at 2022-07-28 22:46:28 from Justin Kwan <justinpkwan at outlook.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v1-pg14.4-0001-Avoid-copying-WAL-segments-before-divergence-to-spee.patch) at 2022-07-16 03:16:27 from Justin Kwan <justinpkwan at outlook.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v1-0001-Avoid-copying-WAL-segments-before-divergence-to-spee.patch) at 2022-07-15 22:24:54 from Justin Kwan <justinpkwan at outlook.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2022-11-30 07:03:37 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Closed in commitfest 2022-11 with status: Returned with feedback
2022-10-06 07:09:02 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Closed in commitfest 2022-09 with status: Moved to next CF
2022-10-06 07:08:57 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) New status: Waiting on Author
2022-09-01 22:20:52 Tom Lane (tgl) Removed tgl from reviewers
2022-08-05 17:38:49 Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com) Changed authors to vignesh ravichandran (vigneshravichandran), Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com)
2022-08-05 17:38:33 Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com) Changed authors to vignesh C (vignesh.postgres), Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com)
2022-08-05 17:37:36 Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com) Changed reviewers to Heikki Linnakangas (heikki), Tom Lane (tgl), Michael Paquier (michael-kun)
2022-08-05 17:37:36 Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com) Changed authors to vignesh ravichandran (vigneshravichandran), Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com)
2022-08-05 17:37:36 Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com) Changed targetversion to 16
2022-08-05 17:35:54 Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com) Attached mail thread 181b4c6fa9c.b8b725681941212.7547232617810891479@viggy28.dev
2022-08-05 17:35:54 Justin Kwan (justinpkwan.outlook.com) Created patch record