Commitfest activity

Time User Patch Activity
2025-03-28 08:23:16 d_gustafsson Enhance memory context statistics reporting for all PostgreSQL processes. Added d_gustafsson as reviewer
2025-03-28 05:24:35 vignesh.postgres speedup COPY TO for partitioned table New status: Needs review
2025-03-28 04:12:17 zengman making EXPLAIN extensible Posted comment with messageid <>
2025-03-28 01:39:34 michael-kun Sequence Access Methods, round two Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Moved to next CF
2025-03-28 01:39:09 michael-kun Issues with 2PC at recovery: CLOG lookups and GlobalTransactionData Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Moved to next CF
2025-03-27 19:36:08 rhaas Proposal: Progressive explain Added rhaas as reviewer
2025-03-27 18:31:03 melanieplageman read stream on amcheck Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-27 18:31:02 melanieplageman read stream on amcheck Changed committer to melanieplageman
2025-03-27 16:30:43 abhishekc Adding support for SSLKEYLOGFILE in the frontend New status: Needs review
2025-03-27 15:31:59 mark.dilger Amcheck verification of GiST and GIN Added mark.dilger as reviewer
2025-03-27 15:25:28 mark.dilger Amcheck verification of GiST and GIN New status: Needs review
2025-03-27 14:39:28 petere support virtual generated column not null constraint New status: Ready for Committer
2025-03-27 14:39:25 petere support virtual generated column not null constraint Added petere as reviewer
2025-03-27 14:14:08 jeltef Parallel tests publication and subscription might fail due to concurrent tuple update Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Rejected
2025-03-27 13:31:52 vignesh.postgres Support NOT VALID / VALIDATE constraint options for named NOT NULL constraints New status: Needs review
2025-03-27 13:28:52 vignesh.postgres Filter irrelevant change before reassemble transactions during logical decoding Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-27 13:28:35 vignesh.postgres Conflict detection for update_deleted in logical replication Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-27 13:28:00 vignesh.postgres Allow pg_createsubscriber to drop replication objects from new subscriber Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-27 13:26:44 vignesh.postgres Show plperl version in the meson setup summary screen. Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-27 13:25:39 vignesh.postgres Add --no-policies to pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-27 13:21:07 vignesh.postgres windows compilation fails when gssapi & openssl are enabled Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-27 12:32:08 vignesh.postgres CREATE SUBSCRIPTION ... SERVER New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-27 12:32:03 vignesh.postgres CREATE SUBSCRIPTION ... SERVER Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-27 09:56:20 vignesh.postgres speedup COPY TO for partitioned table New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-27 09:09:34 petere Thread-safe nl_langinfo(), localeconv(), check_locale() Added petere as committer
2025-03-27 01:22:01 michael-kun A small correction to doc and comment of FSM for indexes Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-27 01:22:00 michael-kun A small correction to doc and comment of FSM for indexes Changed committer to michael-kun
2025-03-26 23:09:31 michael-kun Doc: clarify possibility of ephemeral discrepancies between state and wait_event in pg_stat_activity Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-26 23:09:31 michael-kun Doc: clarify possibility of ephemeral discrepancies between state and wait_event in pg_stat_activity Changed committer to michael-kun
2025-03-26 18:30:45 nmisch AIO New status: Ready for Committer
2025-03-26 18:15:17 rhaas [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table. Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Rejected
2025-03-26 16:31:49 d_gustafsson windows compilation fails when gssapi & openssl are enabled Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-26 16:31:38 d_gustafsson windows compilation fails when gssapi & openssl are enabled Added d_gustafsson as committer
2025-03-26 16:31:30 d_gustafsson windows compilation fails when gssapi & openssl are enabled Added d_gustafsson as reviewer
2025-03-26 16:30:42 ontowhee Invalid cached plan in check_foreign_key; cascade update in check_primary_key; refint.c New status: Needs review
2025-03-26 16:08:38 tgl Add local address to log_line_prefix New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-26 15:16:00 tgl Add maintainer-defined module info into shared library Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-26 10:42:35 petere SCRAM pass-through authentication for dblink connections Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-26 09:54:54 vignesh.postgres Metadata and record block access stats for indexes New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-26 09:48:54 vignesh.postgres Vacuum statistics New status: Needs review
2025-03-26 09:40:13 vignesh.postgres Waiting for LSN replay with WAIT FOR command New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-26 09:40:10 deanr gamma() and lgamma() functions Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-26 09:36:29 vignesh.postgres Doc: Move and modify standalone hot backups section New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-26 09:29:08 vignesh.postgres The walsender does not update its IO statistics until it exits New status: Needs review
2025-03-26 08:24:07 deanr gamma() and lgamma() functions Added deanr as committer
2025-03-25 21:05:41 bossartn optimize file transfer in pg_upgrade Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-25 20:48:23 ontowhee Invalid cached plan in check_foreign_key; cascade update in check_primary_key; refint.c Posted review with messageid <>
2025-03-25 20:48:23 ontowhee Invalid cached plan in check_foreign_key; cascade update in check_primary_key; refint.c New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-25 19:09:01 d_gustafsson Allow default \watch interval in psql to be configured Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-25 19:09:01 d_gustafsson Allow default \watch interval in psql to be configured Changed committer to d_gustafsson
2025-03-25 11:21:26 tndrwang Remove an unnecessary check on semijoin_target_ok() on postgres_fdw.c Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-25 11:21:26 tndrwang Remove an unnecessary check on semijoin_target_ok() on postgres_fdw.c Changed committer to smagen
2025-03-25 10:06:14 vignesh.postgres Allow CI to only run the compiler warnings task New status: Needs review
2025-03-25 10:01:19 vignesh.postgres "unexpected duplicate for tablespace" problem in logical replication New status: Needs review
2025-03-25 09:39:48 vignesh.postgres Conflict detection for multiple_unique_conflicts in logical replication Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-25 09:39:48 vignesh.postgres Conflict detection for multiple_unique_conflicts in logical replication Changed committer to amitkapila
2025-03-25 08:40:28 antonmel Use XLOG_CONTROL_FILE macro everywhere New status: Needs review
2025-03-25 06:39:44 vignesh.postgres Test to dump and restore objects left behind by regression Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-25 06:39:25 vignesh.postgres speedup COPY TO for partitioned table Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-25 06:39:11 vignesh.postgres COPY ON_ERROR 'NULL' Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-25 06:28:37 antonmel Corrupted FSM page is not saved after zeroing. New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-25 06:28:07 antonmel Corrupted FSM page is not saved after zeroing. New status: Needs review
2025-03-25 05:26:40 alexandrawang gamma() and lgamma() functions New status: Ready for Committer
2025-03-24 22:12:54 gipergeek Add pg_buffercache_evict_all() and pg_buffercache_mark_dirty[_all]() functions New status: Needs review
2025-03-24 19:57:12 tgl Allow SQL functions use CachedPlan machinery New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-24 13:43:49 mha Adding extension default version to \dx Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-24 13:43:49 mha Adding extension default version to \dx Changed committer to mha
2025-03-24 12:42:15 ashutoshbapat Allow default \watch interval in psql to be configured New status: Ready for Committer
2025-03-24 12:42:08 ashutoshbapat Allow default \watch interval in psql to be configured Added ashutoshbapat as reviewer
2025-03-24 10:47:07 a.alekseev general purpose array_sort Removed a.alekseev from reviewers
2025-03-24 10:20:53 heikki CREATE SUBSCRIPTION - add missing test case Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-24 10:20:52 heikki CREATE SUBSCRIPTION - add missing test case Changed committer to heikki
2025-03-24 09:20:38 jakub.wartak.tomtom doc: Mention clock synchronization recommendation for hot_standby_feedback New status: Ready for Committer
2025-03-24 08:57:06 jakub.wartak.tomtom Draft for basic NUMA observability New status: Ready for Committer
2025-03-24 06:34:34 davidrowley Cover POSITION(bytea,bytea) with tests Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-24 06:34:34 davidrowley Cover POSITION(bytea,bytea) with tests Changed committer to davidrowley
2025-03-24 04:43:59 michael-kun allow extensions to set a plan identifier Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-24 04:43:59 michael-kun allow extensions to set a plan identifier Changed committer to michael-kun
2025-03-24 04:43:49 michael-kun Optionally record Plan IDs to track plan changes for a query Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Returned with feedback
2025-03-24 02:59:47 vignesh.postgres Separate GUC for replication origins Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-24 02:59:28 vignesh.postgres Add -k/--link option to pg_combinebackup Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-24 02:58:54 vignesh.postgres Add missing tab complete for VACUUM and ANALYZE ONLY option Added vignesh.postgres as reviewer
2025-03-23 23:01:48 macdice Increase maximum allowed io_combine_limit to 1MB Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-23 23:01:48 macdice Increase maximum allowed io_combine_limit to 1MB Changed committer to macdice
2025-03-23 21:16:39 tgl Add missing tab complete for VACUUM and ANALYZE ONLY option Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-23 21:09:08 tgl Add missing tab complete for VACUUM and ANALYZE ONLY option Added tgl as committer
2025-03-23 14:04:58 masaofujii Add “FOR UPDATE NOWAIT” lock details to the log. Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-22 22:03:41 tgl Add maintainer-defined module info into shared library Added tgl as committer
2025-03-22 20:25:57 mmeent Fix buffer pinning logic in [SP-]Gist New status: Needs review
2025-03-22 18:41:24 gipergeek Add pg_buffercache_evict_all() and pg_buffercache_mark_dirty[_all]() functions New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-22 11:22:55 jeltef Add storage I/O tracking to EXPLAIN BUFFERS New status: Waiting on Author
2025-03-22 11:22:51 jeltef Add storage I/O tracking to EXPLAIN BUFFERS Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Moved to next CF
2025-03-21 23:47:15 rustam.allakov Cover POSITION(bytea,bytea) with tests Added rustam.allakov as reviewer
2025-03-21 23:47:10 rustam.allakov Cover POSITION(bytea,bytea) with tests Posted review with messageid <>
2025-03-21 23:47:10 rustam.allakov Cover POSITION(bytea,bytea) with tests New status: Ready for Committer
2025-03-21 23:42:16 rustam.allakov Add 'make check-tests' behavior to the meson based builds Posted comment with messageid <>
2025-03-21 21:55:27 melanieplageman Use read_stream in index vacuum Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-21 21:55:27 melanieplageman Use read_stream in index vacuum Changed committer to melanieplageman
2025-03-21 21:29:56 masahikosawada Separate GUC for replication origins Closed in commitfest 2025-03 with status: Committed
2025-03-21 21:29:56 masahikosawada Separate GUC for replication origins Changed committer to masahikosawada