Split index and table statistics into different types of stats

Title Split index and table statistics into different types of stats
Topic Refactoring
Created 2024-01-25 06:29:11
Last modified 2024-08-01 01:41:54 (1 month, 1 week ago)
Latest email 2024-01-25 08:36:17 (7 months, 2 weeks ago)
2024-09: Waiting on Author
2024-07: Moved to next CF
2024-03: Moved to next CF
Target version
Authors Bertrand Drouvot (bertranddrouvot.pg)
Reviewers Become reviewer
Split index and table statistics into different types of stats
First at 2022-10-31 13:14:15 by "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com>
Latest at 2024-01-25 08:36:17 by Bertrand Drouvot <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com>
Latest attachment (v11-0001-split-tables-and-indexes-stats.patch) at 2023-11-13 08:26:56 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com>
    Attachment (v11-0001-split-tables-and-indexes-stats.patch) at 2023-11-13 08:26:56 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v10-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2023-03-16 09:24:32 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v9-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2023-01-21 05:42:51 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v8-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2023-01-03 14:19:18 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v7-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2022-12-10 09:54:44 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v6-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2022-12-07 10:11:20 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v5-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2022-12-06 19:11:08 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v4-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2022-11-15 09:48:40 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v4-0003-reorder-members.patch) at 2022-11-04 20:51:46 from Melanie Plageman <melanieplageman at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v3-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2022-11-02 08:58:36 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v2-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2022-10-31 16:42:13 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v1-0001-split_tables_indexes_stats.patch) at 2022-10-31 13:14:15 from "Drouvot, Bertrand" <bertranddrouvot.pg at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2024-08-01 01:41:54 Corey Huinker (coreyh) Closed in commitfest 2024-07 with status: Moved to next CF
2024-04-08 14:32:32 Andrey Borodin (x4m) Changed targetversion to None
2024-04-08 07:18:26 Andrey Borodin (x4m) Closed in commitfest 2024-03 with status: Moved to next CF
2024-01-25 06:30:09 Bertrand Drouvot (bertranddrouvot.pg) New status: Waiting on Author
2024-01-25 06:29:47 Bertrand Drouvot (bertranddrouvot.pg) Changed authors to Bertrand Drouvot (bertranddrouvot.pg)
2024-01-25 06:29:47 Bertrand Drouvot (bertranddrouvot.pg) Changed targetversion to 17
2024-01-25 06:29:11 Bertrand Drouvot (bertranddrouvot.pg) Attached mail thread f572abe7-a1bb-e13b-48c7-2ca150546822@gmail.com
2024-01-25 06:29:11 Bertrand Drouvot (bertranddrouvot.pg) Created patch record