Race condition in FetchTableStates() breaks synchronization of subscription tables

ID 4816
Title Race condition in FetchTableStates() breaks synchronization of subscription tables
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Replication & Recovery
Created 2024-02-09 06:45:30
Last modified 2024-04-29 03:20:25 (10 months, 1 week ago)
Latest email 2024-04-29 03:21:55 (10 months, 1 week ago)
2024-07: Committed
2024-03: Moved to next CF
Target version
Authors vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres)
Reviewers Alexander Lakhin (law)Become reviewer
Committer Amit Kapila (amitkapila)
Race condition in FetchTableStates() breaks synchronization of subscription tables
First at 2024-01-26 06:00:00 by Alexander Lakhin <exclusion at gmail.com>
Latest at 2024-04-29 03:21:55 by vignesh C <vignesh21 at gmail.com>
Latest attachment (v7-0001-Table-sync-missed-due-to-race-condition-in-subscr.patch) at 2024-04-24 10:28:30 from vignesh C <vignesh21 at gmail.com>
    Attachment (v7-0001-Table-sync-missed-due-to-race-condition-in-subscr.patch) at 2024-04-24 10:28:30 from vignesh C <vignesh21 at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v6-0002-Apply-worker-will-get-started-after-180-seconds-b.patch) at 2024-03-13 03:48:48 from vignesh C <vignesh21 at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v5-0002-Apply-worker-will-get-started-after-180-seconds-b.patch) at 2024-02-08 09:25:23 from vignesh C <vignesh21 at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v4-0001-Table-sync-missed-for-newly-added-tables-because-.patch) at 2024-02-05 10:13:41 from vignesh C <vignesh21 at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (v3-0001-Table-sync-missed-for-newly-added-tables-because-.patch) at 2024-02-01 04:59:14 from vignesh C <vignesh21 at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (defect_fix_v2.patch) at 2024-01-30 03:20:32 from vignesh C <vignesh21 at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (defect_fix.patch) at 2024-01-29 13:22:18 from vignesh C <vignesh21 at gmail.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2024-04-29 03:20:25 vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) Closed in commitfest 2024-07 with status: Committed
2024-04-29 03:20:24 vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) Changed committer to amitkapila
2024-04-09 06:16:00 Andrey Borodin (x4m) Closed in commitfest 2024-03 with status: Moved to next CF
2024-02-09 06:49:21 vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) Changed reviewers to Alexander Lakhin (law)
2024-02-09 06:48:48 vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) Changed authors to vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres)
2024-02-09 06:45:30 vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) Attached mail thread 711a6afe-edb7-1211-cc27-1bef8239eec7@gmail.com
2024-02-09 06:45:30 vigneshwaran C (vignesh.postgres) Created patch record