Update docs for default value of fdw_tuple_cost

ID 4762
Title Update docs for default value of fdw_tuple_cost
Topic Documentation
Created 2024-01-03 07:58:19
Last modified 2024-01-11 02:08:10 (1 year, 1 month ago)
Latest email 2024-01-11 06:54:21 (1 year, 1 month ago)
2024-03: Committed
Target version 17
Authors Umair Shahid (umairshahid)
Reviewers Chris Travers (einhverfr)Become reviewer
Committer John Naylor (john.naylor)
Links CFbot results (CirrusCI) CFbot GitHub
Checkout latest CFbot patchset Go to your local checkout of the PostgreSQL repository and run:
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git fetch commitfest cf/4762
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Update docs for default value of fdw_tuple_cost
First at 2023-12-26 15:29:50 by Umair Shahid <umair.shahid at stormatics.tech>
Latest at 2024-01-11 06:54:21 by Umair Shahid <umair.shahid at stormatics.tech>
Latest attachment (update-doc-default-fdw_tuple_value.patch) at 2023-12-26 15:29:50 from Umair Shahid <umair.shahid at stormatics.tech>
    Attachment (update-doc-default-fdw_tuple_value.patch) at 2023-12-26 15:29:50 from Umair Shahid <umair.shahid at stormatics.tech> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2024-01-11 02:08:10 John Naylor (john.naylor) Closed in commitfest 2024-03 with status: Committed
2024-01-11 02:08:10 John Naylor (john.naylor) Changed committer to john.naylor
2024-01-03 08:03:44 Chris Travers (einhverfr) Posted review with messageid <170426902463.2631682.16711616294751682864.pgcf@coridan.postgresql.org>
2024-01-03 08:03:44 Chris Travers (einhverfr) New status: Ready for Committer
2024-01-03 08:01:45 Chris Travers (einhverfr) Added einhverfr as reviewer
2024-01-03 07:58:49 Umair Shahid (umairshahid) Changed authors to Umair Shahid (umairshahid)
2024-01-03 07:58:49 Umair Shahid (umairshahid) Changed targetversion to 17
2024-01-03 07:58:19 Umair Shahid (umairshahid) Attached mail thread CALVUYo9RECc5gwD+4SRM5Es+bg9cpNfhd3_qUjf7kVTGyLpFJg@mail.gmail.com
2024-01-03 07:58:19 Umair Shahid (umairshahid) Created patch record