Jumble the CALL command in pg_stat_statements

ID 4560
Title Jumble the CALL command in pg_stat_statements
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Monitoring & Control
Created 2023-09-13 01:00:49
Last modified 2023-09-28 06:44:08 (1 year, 5 months ago)
Latest email 2023-09-28 06:42:43 (1 year, 5 months ago)
2023-11: Committed
Target version 17
Authors Sami Imseih (simseih)
Reviewers Become reviewer
Committer Michael Paquier (michael-kun)
Jumble the CALL command in pg_stat_statements
First at 2023-09-13 00:48:48 by "Imseih (AWS), Sami" <simseih at amazon.com>
Latest at 2023-09-28 06:42:43 by Michael Paquier <michael at paquier.xyz>
Latest attachment (0001-v1-Jumble-the-SET-command.patch) at 2023-09-13 23:09:19 from "Imseih (AWS), Sami" <simseih at amazon.com>
    Attachment (0001-v1-Jumble-the-SET-command.patch) at 2023-09-13 23:09:19 from "Imseih (AWS), Sami" <simseih at amazon.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (0001-v1-Jumble-the-CALL-command-in-pg_stat_statements.patch) at 2023-09-13 00:48:48 from "Imseih (AWS), Sami" <simseih at amazon.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2023-09-28 06:44:08 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Closed in commitfest 2023-11 with status: Committed
2023-09-28 06:44:08 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Changed committer to michael-kun
2023-09-13 01:01:06 Sami Imseih (simseih) Changed authors to Sami Imseih (simseih)
2023-09-13 01:01:06 Sami Imseih (simseih) Changed targetversion to 17
2023-09-13 01:00:49 Sami Imseih (simseih) Attached mail thread B44FA29D-EBD0-4DD9-ABC2-16F1CB087074@amazon.com
2023-09-13 01:00:49 Sami Imseih (simseih) Created patch record