Upgrade pgcrypto to crypt_blowfish 1.3

ID 3338
Title Upgrade pgcrypto to crypt_blowfish 1.3
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Security
Created 2021-10-02 10:33:30
Last modified 2022-08-01 20:51:09 (2 years, 7 months ago)
Latest email 2021-10-02 11:02:57 (3 years, 5 months ago)
2022-07: Returned with feedback
2022-03: Moved to next CF
2022-01: Moved to next CF
2021-11: Moved to next CF
Target version
Authors Daniel Fone (daniel.fone)
Reviewers Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson)Become reviewer
pgcrypto support for bcrypt $2b$ hashes
First at 2021-09-24 02:12:08 by Daniel Fone <daniel at fone.net.nz>
Latest at 2021-10-02 11:02:57 by Daniel Fone <daniel at fone.net.nz>
Latest attachment (0001-Merge-upstream-crypt_blowfish-1.3.patch) at 2021-10-02 03:48:24 from Daniel Fone <daniel at fone.net.nz>
    Attachment (0001-Merge-upstream-crypt_blowfish-1.3.patch) at 2021-10-02 03:48:24 from Daniel Fone <daniel at fone.net.nz> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (0001-Merge-upstream-crypt_blowfish-1.3.patch) at 2021-09-28 21:58:49 from Daniel Fone <daniel at fone.net.nz> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (pgcrypto_blowfish.diff) at 2021-09-28 13:33:11 from Daniel Gustafsson <daniel at yesql.se> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (recognise-bcrypt-2b.patch.txt) at 2021-09-24 02:12:08 from Daniel Fone <daniel at fone.net.nz> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2022-08-01 20:51:09 Jacob Champion (jchampion) Closed in commitfest 2022-07 with status: Returned with feedback
2022-04-07 12:08:21 Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) Closed in commitfest 2022-03 with status: Moved to next CF
2022-02-02 16:38:11 Julien Rouhaud (rjuju) Closed in commitfest 2022-01 with status: Moved to next CF
2021-12-02 21:51:29 Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) Added d_gustafsson as reviewer
2021-12-02 21:51:27 Daniel Gustafsson (d_gustafsson) Closed in commitfest 2021-11 with status: Moved to next CF
2021-10-02 10:40:17 Daniel Fone (daniel.fone) Changed authors to Daniel Fone (daniel.fone)
2021-10-02 10:33:30 Daniel Fone (daniel.fone) Attached mail thread 5B221EBB-03D5-4C3E-BD00-CF0FB4256825@fone.net.nz
2021-10-02 10:33:30 Daniel Fone (daniel.fone) Created patch record