Avoid heap optimizations during COPY on foreign tables

ID 1936
Title Avoid heap optimizations during COPY on foreign tables
CI (CFBot) Not processed
Stats (from CFBot) Unknown
Topic Bug Fixes
Created 2018-12-19 10:10:39
Last modified 2018-12-23 07:52:01 (6 years, 2 months ago)
Latest email 2018-12-25 01:48:05 (6 years, 2 months ago)
2019-01: Committed
Target version
Authors Michael Paquier (michael-kun), Amit Langote (amitlan), Luis M Carril (lmcarril)
Reviewers Etsuro Fujita (efujita)Become reviewer
Committer Michael Paquier (michael-kun)
BUG #15552: Unexpected error in COPY to a foreign table in a transaction
First at 2018-12-14 10:42:02 by PG Bug reporting form <noreply at postgresql.org>
Latest at 2018-12-25 01:48:05 by Etsuro Fujita <fujita.etsuro at lab.ntt.co.jp>
Latest attachment (no_heap_opt_fdw_copy-v5.patch) at 2018-12-20 00:31:40 from Michael Paquier <michael at paquier.xyz>
    Attachment (no_heap_opt_fdw_copy-v5.patch) at 2018-12-20 00:31:40 from Michael Paquier <michael at paquier.xyz> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (no_heap_opt_fdw_copy-v4.patch) at 2018-12-19 02:38:14 from Michael Paquier <michael at paquier.xyz> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (no_heap_opt_fdw_copy.patch) at 2018-12-18 13:41:04 from Luis Carril <luis.carril at swarm64.com> (Patch: Yes)
    Attachment (no_heap_opt_fdw_copy.patch) at 2018-12-17 13:12:11 from Luis Carril <luis.carril at swarm64.com> (Patch: Yes)
When Who What
2018-12-23 07:52:01 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Closed in commitfest 2019-01 with status: Committed
2018-12-23 07:52:01 Michael Paquier (michael-kun) Changed committer to michael-kun
2018-12-21 03:39:12 Etsuro Fujita (efujita) Added efujita as reviewer
2018-12-19 10:11:51 Luis M Carril (lmcarril) Changed authors to Michael Paquier (michael-kun), Amit Langote (amitlan), Luis M Carril (lmcarril)
2018-12-19 10:10:39 Luis M Carril (lmcarril) Attached mail thread 15552-c64aa14c5c22f63c@postgresql.org
2018-12-19 10:10:39 Luis M Carril (lmcarril) Created patch record